True or False
Identifying Emotions
Managing Emotions
Friendship Skills and Solving Problems
Teacher Fun Facts

True or false: Emotions give us clues about the situation we are in.

True. Our emotions help us understand what's going on around us and how we want to respond.


Someone is smiling and laughing. How are they feeling? 

Happy, excited, joyful, content.


Here at Centennial we practice lots of different ways to help manage our emotions. These are called... 

Strategies, coping strategies, self-management skills. 


If you don't know how to solve a problem by yourself, what can you do?

Ask for help.


Which teacher has been working at the Centennial School the longest?

Ms. Tock!


True or false: Emotions can be experienced on a range from mild to intense. 

True. We can feel our emotions at different levels.


Someone has a frown, tears in their eyes, and has closed off body language. How are they feeling?

Sad, upset, frustrated. 


Provide an example of a strategy you like to use that works well for you.

Trampoline, break, active hallway, talking to a teacher, drinking water, eating a snack, deep breaths... 


If you want to know how someone else is feeling, what clues can you look for? 

Facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, behaviors.

Who has a dog named Charlie?

Ms. P!


True or false: Emotions are only uncomfortable. 

False. Emotions can be comfortable, neutral, and uncomfortable.


Someone's eyes are closing, they are yawning, and the seem unfocused. How are they feeling?

Tired, sick, bored. 


Belly, balloon, box, flower, candle...are all examples of what? 

Ways to take deep breaths.


What are signs that you are listening to someone else, or someone is listening to you? 

Nodding your head, asking relevant questions, making eye contact. 


Who is a professionally trained singer and dancer?

Ms. Mendoza!


True or false: You can feel more than one emotion at the same time. 

True. You can feel multiple emotions all at once! Think about your weekly check-ins.


Someone has squinted eyes, scrunched eyebrows, tight mouth, and tight fists. How are they feeling?

Angry, annoyed, frustrated.


Provide an example of a positive thinking or affirmation statement.

I can do this, I am smart, I am kind, I am strong, I am still learning... 


Identifying the problem, thinking of solutions, and trying solutions are all steps that help you...? 

Solve problems, or resolve conflicts. 

Who has 5 siblings? (4 brothers and 1 sister). 

Mr. Dezzi!


True or false: We can always control our emotions, but not how we respond to them.

False. We can't control the emotions we feel all the time, but we are able to use skills and strategies to help us manage our responses to our emotions. 


Someone's eyes and mouth are wide open. How are they feeling? 

Surprised, scared. 

Provide an example of something you can do to help your body feel better when you are experiencing intense emotions. 

Squeeze and relax muscles, get wiggles out, exercise, deep breaths, sleep, eat, drink, ice packs.


Thinking about how someone else is feeling, or understanding and sharing someone else's feelings is called what?



Who's left?

Ms. Bagley!