365 rounded to the nearest ten
What is 370.
Besides 35 and 1, what is one factor of 35?
What is 5 and 9
A way to write numbers by using digits 0-9
What is standard form
Represents the number of parts in a fraction
What is the numerator
An angle that is exactly 90 degrees
What is a right angle
1, 328 rounded to the nearest hundred
What is 1, 300
The factors for 25
What is 5
An individual number 0-9
What is a digit
Indicates the total number of parts in a fraction
What is the denominator
An angle that is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees
What is an obtuse angle
5,315 rounded to the nearest thousand
What is 5,000
The factors for 56
what is 7 and 8
A number that is close to the exact amount
What is an estimate
Fractions with different numerators and denominators but equal values
What are equivalent fractions
An angle that measures exactly 180 degrees
What is a straight angle
10,563 rounded to the nearest thousand
The factors of 42
What is 6 and 7
A part of a line with two endpoints
What is a segment
Whole numbers combined with a fractional part
What are mixed number fractions
An angle that is greater than zero but less than 90 degrees
What is an acute angle
125,326 rounded to the nearest ten thousand
What is 130,000
The factors of 72
What is 8 and 9
Two lines on a plane that never meet
What are parallel lines
A numerator and a denominator that represents parts of the whole
What is a fraction
Two opposite angles formed by intersecting lines
What are Vertical Angles