You need to pay dojo points for the bathroom pass, how many?
5 dojo points
How do we line up?
Number order, one person behind the other, voice level 0
Where do all your papers need to be turned in?
In the green turn in bin or in your group bin.
How many warnings does Ms. Aparicio give you?
3 warnings
1 student at a time
Who is the person at the front of the line?
What color is your folder and what do you put in it?
Blue, all of our work, and our math resources
What does O stand for
What happens after you are given the third warning?
You will loose dojo points.
After you paid 5 dojo points how much many more points does it increase to?
it increases by 5 points every time
Who is the person at the end of the line? What are they in charge of doing?
Elana, she closes the door every time we leave
When we are leaving at the end of the day where do our chairs go?
Stacked next to the group
What does A stand for?
Always safe
When are the 3 forms we will be using for consequences?
Refocus form, Foul Language form, student contract
Do you just get up and go to the restroom?
No, you need to sign out and sign back in. You need to put the time you took and when you come back.
Inside the classroom we line up two different ways, what are they?
Straight line and snake
Who is in charge of checking for trash on the floor
Everyone! the trash monitor will make sure everyone has cleaned up after themselves.
What does R stand for
What is one consequence that you will have if you are still not meeting expectations?
What happens if you take longer than 5 minutes?
A buddy will have to go with you next time.
What happens when friends are talking while lining up?
We have to start over
When will you be having desk checks? How many points will you be losing for a messy desk?
Every Friday, and 10 dojo points
When do we show 4 for ROAR
ALL the time! in line, the hallway, cafeteria, at recess, during specials, in the classroom
Parent Call and you will be sent to the office talk to Mr.Hernandez or Mrs.Zapata