Voice Level
Core Values

When we are sitting on the carpet for a lesson, how should your body look?

calm and safe

criss cross, mountain, or mermaid

in my box


My classmate is sharing in the morning meeting or during a math lesson. What is my expected voice level?


How will my classmates know I am participating in a lesson?

following expectations

keeping my brain engaged

sharing my thinking (hand up, turn and talk, or choral)

staying with the expected task


Oh no! My pencil broke. What do I do?

put it in the "dull" box

pick any sharp pencil

go back to my work

Which core value means to work hard and put in my best effort all day?

Si se puede


I am at my desk and hear the magic word, and it is time to line up. What do I need to do?


push in my chair

walk to line


It is WIN time. What voice level do I need to use? Why?

0 because everyone needs to focus on their learning

When is it an appropriate time to ask for the bathroom? What about a drink of water?

bathroom - transitions, independent table work, emergencies

water - transitions, independent table work, if it is at my desk


We are in math and supposed to get our whiteboards. What do I need to do? How do I know which whiteboard to get?

walk quickly and quietly to my bin

go around the red table

get my marker and eraser after

--> ask myself, am I in math or fundations?


Which core value means to go with the flow, be patient, and understand that things don't always go as planned?



Ms. Haas said, "Turn and Talk". What should I do with my body to show that I'm ready?

turn to my partner

eye contact

safe and calm


We are in the hallway on the way to lunch recess and I walk by my friend's classroom. What do I do and why?

walk with voice level 0 and keep my eyes forward

I don't want to distract someone from learning


If I'm not sure what to do for an activity what do I do? (Not a test!)

raise my hand

ask a table mate

look at the board


My dry erase marker stopped working! Oh no! I remember this is a small problem. How can I solve it?

try another marker at my table (there's an extra!)

raise my hand for help

use question words instead of whining


Which core value means to work together to solve problems and help each other out?



There's a fire drill! What do I need to remember to safely leave the classroom?

leave everything behind

walk with purpose

no line order

last person closes the door


It is time to pack up and clean up for the closing circle. Why should my voice level be at 0?

it helps with focus

I have responsibilities to complete

everyone needs to be able to hear directions

it shows calmness and respect


We are working on an activity independently at our tables, and I have a question. Which do I do and why?:

A. Follow Ms. Haas around the room

B. Yell at Ms. Haas across the room

C. Wait for Ms. Haas to come to my table and check in

C because she might be helping another table or person. She will rotate around the room when she can and come to help.


Ms. Haas said the magic word and I see everyone else get up but I did not hear what to do. What can I do to solve the problem?

stand up and follow my classmates

look around to see what supplies others have

ask a classmate - level 1 voice - what to do


Which core value means to make good choices, even when no one is watching, and follow expectations?
