Round-ish silver metal object approximately a foot tall
What is the water kettle on the TV table?
(5 * 5) / 2
What is 12.5
This popular cigarette alternative company contributed to Sofia's income last year via a class-action lawsuit
What is Juul?
This franchise is the most written about fictional work on AO3
What is Marvel/the MCU?
This Prime Minister's death was accompanied by "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" reaching the charts in Britain
Who was Margaret Thatcher?
Circular red white and grey object approximately 5 inches in diameter
What is the freaky time clock?
x^2 - 6x + 9 = 0, solve for x
x = 3
The active ingredient in Advil and Motrin
What is ibuprofen?
The most kudo-ed and most bookmarked fic on AO3 are from this series
What is Harry Potter?
This general betrayed us for the British in 1780, much like Alix did in 2024
Who was Benedict Arnold?
Dark green glass bottle approximately 10 inches tall
What is the olive oil bottle by the stove?
((sqrt 144)/3)^2
This GLP-1 agonist, mainly used to treat diabetes, may also result in reduced risk of cardiovascular events
What is Ozempic/semaglutide?
BTS is the most written about Kpop band on AO3. What is the second most written about?
What is Stray Kids?
This secondary school is well-represented in my and Alix's closet
What is Brentwood?
Black rectangular object approximately 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide
What is the broken TV behind the couches?
((23 - 5) / 3) * 6
A natural South American compound famous for triggering mystical/spiritual experiences
What is ayahuasca?
This ship from Teen Wolf is surprisingly well-represented, with 75k fics
What is Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (Sterek)?
What is Bath?
Round-ish white brown and green object approximately 1.5 feet tall
What is Little Man?
(9^3/2 + 3) * 3
Nixon popularized the term "War on Drugs" in 1971. Who was his successor?
Who was Gerald Ford?
Name 3 of the top 10 AO3 ships
This English king was killed at the Battle of Hastings during the Norman Conquest of 1066
Who is King Harold?