Doors and Dots
Hallways and Bathrooms
COVID-19 Safety Measures
Roosevelt Rewards

What color are the dots we stand on to line up?

(Answer depending on classroom)

When the bell rings or specials are over and you are about to enter the school building, should you put your mask on?



What should we do with our hands when we are walking in the hallway?

Hold them together behind your back.

True or False: Most people who get the Coronavirus (COVID-19) have mild (slight) symptoms, like those of a cold.



Are we still earning Dojo points this year?

Yes, of course! There are so many GOOD things and accomplishments to celebrate!


Why are we standing on dots to line up outside this year?

To help with social distancing and therefore limiting the potential spread of COVID-19.


Do masks need to be worn outside?

No, but you can if you feel safer that way.


When we are walking in the hallway, which side should we stay close to?

The RIGHT side of the hallway, but not close enough to tough the wall.

True or False: The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is spread through tiny droplets that enters someone’s body through their nose, mouth, or eyes.



When we are Friday Dojo Winner, where do we get our prize?

From our classroom teacher.


Why are we using specific doors this year?

To limit the amount of germs we are exposed to.


What if before school you are on your dot and realize you forgot to bring a mask?

Stay calm, your teacher will have one you can use that day! Try to remember your mask tomorrow!


Where is our grade level bathroom that we should use?

(Answers vary depending on class)


True or False: Doctors and scientists are working hard on finding a way to better control or protect us from the virus.



Can we earn lunch with a teacher as a reward this year?

Unfortunately, no. Due to social distancing we will not have the reward option this year, but there are many other great reward options!


Which door does our grade level enter and exit through?

(Answers vary depending on classroom)

What is the purpose of our new lanyards?

Lanyards clip onto our masks so that we always have them on us. If we take a break from the mask (while outside or eating) the mask can hang from our lanyard until it is time to put it on again.


If all the usable bathroom stalls are full, where should we wait?

In the hallway, outside of the bathroom, on Teddy's pawprints. Remember some bathroom stalls are closed permanently for social distancing and should not be used.

How long should you rub the soap around on your hands when you are washing them?

20 seconds! Like the length of the ABC's song.


If we are Ruler of the School this year, what happens?

Your name will be announced over the intercom, your classroom teacher will give you a ruler, pencil, and certificate. Your classroom teacher may take your picture and share it on Class Dojo.

When should we use our grade level door?

Entering the building, exiting the building, and during recess. (Teacher may get more specific)


What should you do with your lanyard at the end of the day?

(Answers vary per classroom)

If all the Teddy prints outside the bathroom are also full, what should we do?

Go back to class and try again in a few minutes. We are trying to limit the number of students in the bathrooms and hallways to allow for social distancing. 


What are some things we can do (or can control) to stay safe?

Wash hands often. Use hand sanitizer often. Sneeze into your mask, elbow, or kleenex. Use cleaning wipes. Social distancing. Stay home more often than before. Tell a grown up if you are feeling sick. Stay away from others if you are feeling sick. Eat healthy foods. Exercise. 


What can be brought in to celebrate your birthday this year?

Another other than a food item: pencils, erasers, new masks, bookmarks, glow sticks, bubbles, playdoh, and much much more!