The definition of the root
What is speak?
The name for when someone is sent out on a special assignment. Tom Cruise makes movies about types of assignments that are impossible.
What is mission?
The definition of this root "lith, lite"
What is stone?
The definition of the root
The definition of the root "grac"
What is please, thank?
A word to describe someone who is effective at expressing themselves through speech
What is eloquent?
The release of gas into the air. People are most concerned right now about carbon __________.
What are emissions?
What is monolith?
What is dialogue?
The defintion of the root "cracy"
The name for the type of person who speaks without moving their lips. They usually have puppets in their performance
What is ventriloquist?
The word for when you allow yourself to confess you did something
What is admit?
The definition of the root "matr"
What is mother?
A word for when one person gives a long speech in a play, movie, or tv show.
The definition of the root "dic"
What is say, speak, tell?
A speech in a play. This speech involves the character speaking to the audience when they're alone
What is soliloquy?
Another word for sending in an assignment
What is submit?
The head woman in a family
What is a matriarch?
The chapter that appears before the main chapters in a book.
What is prologue?
What is the definiton of "graphi/gram"?
What is write, draw, record?
A word to describe someone who speaks a lot
What is loquacious?
What is permission?
What is permit?
What is "meter"?
The chapter that comes after the main chapters in a book has ended
What is epilogue?
What is the definition of the root "duc"?