Why do we dip apples in honey
What is to have a sweet year
What is Rosh Hashana mean in Hebrew
Head of the Year
What animal's horn is usually used for a shophar
What is a ram
What is different about challah during Rosh Hashana
What is a circle and sweet
How many days is Rosh Hashana
What is two
When can you not blow the shofar
What is Shabbat
Why do we eat animal head
To be the head not the tail
How many days are there between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
What is the name of the long blast with a shofar
What is Tekaih
How many seeds does a pomegranate have and why do we eat it
What is 613 seeds which represents the 613 mitzvot. We bless it to have a year full of mitzvot
What is the late night service done in the month before Rosh Hashana
What is Selichot
What is sheverim
3 blasts
Name the foods we bless on Rosh Hashana
Pomegranate, apples and honey, animal head, dates, beets, leek, pumpkin or squash, rubia, (carrots)
What is the hebrew date of Rosh Hashana
1st of Tishrei
What is the name of the 9 short blasts called