What does the pomegranate represent?
The seeds represent the 613 Mitzvot
What is a Shofar made out of?
A rams horn
Hint - it's what we focus on in the month of Elul
What is the meaning of Rosh Hashana?
Head of the year
Which hebrew month is Rosh Hashana in?
What do we put on the Rosh Hashanah table to symbolize the holiday being the 'head' of the new year?
Head of a fish
When is a Shofar not allowed to be blown?
On Shabbat
What is the phrase we wish one another on Rosh Hashana?
Ketivah v’chatima tovah
A good inscription and sealing [in the Book of Life]
What is another name for Rosh Hashanah
Yom Hazikaron or Yom Teruah
What are a few things we don't do on Yom Kippur?
Wear leather shoes
Eat & drink
Putting on purfume
Why do we use honey with our Challah in the month of Tishrei?
To symbolize a sweet new year
What are two other times that the Shofar is blown?
In the month of Elul & at the end of Yom Kippur
Name of the Sefer that we use on Rosh Hashana to daven from
What is the tradition of tashlich?
To throw our sins into the water
Name 3 other holidays that we have in the month of Tishrei
Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Why do we have a round Challah in the month of Tishrei?
The round shape represents the cycle of the year, both past and future
1. To crown Hashem as our king
2. The shofar is like an alarm that calls on us to examine our deeds and correct our ways
What are the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur called?
Ateret Y'mei Teshuvah
The days of awe
When is the deadline for one to do Tashlich?
Hoshana Raba
Name another food that we have on Rosh Hashana as a symbolism
Carrots and honey cake
Name the three sounds the Shofar makes
Tkiah, Teruah and Sh'varim
Rosh Hashana is the birthday of?
The world
What is the main mitzvah to do on Rosh Hashana?
Hear the Shofar
According to the Torah what number month is Tishrei?