This name reflects the holiday's focus on repentance and seeking forgiveness. Yom is also known as...
The Day of Atonement
Many people do this to prepare for the Yom Kippur holiday.
They fast (do not eat or drink).
Judaism's founding text
Rosh Hashanah is known as the __________ of the world.
The raisins added to the challah bread symbolize...
A sweet new year
Yom Kippur lasts for...
25 hours. It begins at sunset and ends at nightfall the following day.
Wearing white on Yom Kippur is meant to reflect...
Many wear white to symbolize purity and to reflect a desire for a clean slate.
Jewish buildings of worship
The days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are known as what?
10 Days of Awe
Ancient Jews believed this, often drizzled over apples, signifies the hope that the new year will be sweet.
The main focus of Yom Kippur is...
Repentance and seeking forgiveness for sins committed during the year.
The feast of Yom Kippur usually consists of stews or soups as well as ...
blintzes and kugel
This special prayer book is used both during Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah.
The length of the period of reflection and repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
10 days
Daily Double!!
Throwing pieces of bread into a river to symbolize washing away sins.
Daily Double!!!
Yom Kippur occurs during this month of the Hebrew calendar.
The number of prayer services that take place on Yom Kippur.
a trumpet/horn used for rituals, usually made of a ram's horn
This is written in the Book of Life during Rosh Hashanah.
the names of the good
Ancient Jews believed this fruit had healing properties,.
Tishrei usually falls during these autumn months.
September or October
Some people give money or volunteer their time in the days leading up to Yom Kippur. This is seen as a way to atone and seek God's forgiveness and is known as...
L'shana tovah is Hebrew and means...
For a good year
Approximately how many years ago Rosh Hashanah was created.
The number of candles used for the Rosh Hashanah meal.