Fun with Food
Teki'ah Gedolah
Rosh Hashanah 101
Fasting: Fun without Food
Random Jewish Facts
What do we eat the symbolizes a sweet new year?
What is apples and honey
What is the name of instrument we use on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?
What is shofar
What is Rosh Hashanah?
What is the beginning of the Jewish new year
What is the holiest holiday in Judaism?
What is Yom Kippur
Why do we put honey on our food on Rosh Hashanah?
What is to symbolize a sweet new year
What do we put on the Rosh Hashanah table to symbolize the holiday being the 'head' of the new year?
What is fish
What is a shofar made out of?
What is a rams horn
How do you wish people a happy rosh hashanah in Hebrew? Hint: Translates to 'Have a sweet and happy new year'
What is Shana Tova Umetukah.
What is the tradition of tashlich? (We will be doing tashlich together next week :) )
What is throwing bread into a moving body of water to symbolize getting rid of our sins

Name one of three things we don't do on Yom Kippur?

What is eating, drinking, wearing leather, putting on perfume etc.


How many seeds do we say that a pomegranate has? Hint: It is the number of mitzvot that are in the Torah.

What is 613

Name one of the three sounds a shofar makes
What is Tkiah, Teruah and Sh'varim
What are you supposed to do in the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?
What is reflect on your year and apologize for anything bad you have done in the past.
How long does the Yom Kippur fast last?
What is from sunset to sunset (25 hours!)
How many times can you try to apologize to someone before Yom Kippur?
What is three
Name one of the 7 fruits or vegetables listed in the bible called the Seven Species of Israel
What is wheat, barley, grape, fig, pomegranates, olives and dates
What animal's horn cannot be used to make a shofar?
What is a cow/bull
What does the word teshuva mean? Hint: It's one of the things you are supposed to do between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
What is repent or apologize
What is the prayer we say on Yom Kippur called?
What is Kol Nidrei
What color clothes do you traditionally wear on Yom Kippur?
What is white

Why do we eat round challah on Rosh Hashanah? (There are multiple right answers)

It symbolizes goodness without end.


Why do we blow the shofar? (there are multiple answers)

It is a wake up call for our souls

The Days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are called the Days of...?
What is Days of Awe
Why do we fast on Yom Kippur?
What is concentrating on the past year and your relationship with G-d
What is the number of times a shofar can be heard during a Rosh Hashanah service? Hint: It is between 50 and 300
What is 100