St. Valentine's Fair
Where was Rosh created?
21 Tomar Court
Address to the diddy func, Dec. 27th
"You're an add-on"
What is the trigger to Ahmed's villan arc?
Fed a hamster to their cat
"I'll show you what skin and bones can do."
The names of all Rosh members (ex included) who have broken something in Philip's house
Who is everyone but Marcus, Juliana, and Desmond
Ex-k-pop stan
Mikaela Mussie
Karl Arles
The member with the highest body count
17 times
What is the number of wet dreams Marcus had about a certain jew...?
The middle names of all 3 dropped Rosh members
Which Aqua-Men has NOT cheated on their girlfriend?
Who is hard rn?
"We're a package deal babes."
Who is pregnant and keeping the child???? (SUPRISE)
no one