Latitude and Longitude
Earth's Shape
Celestial Events

What is the term for the imaginary line that the Earth rotates around?

The axis of rotation.


What is the time it takes for the Earth to complete on revolution around the Sun?

Approximately 365.25 days.


What is latitude and how is it measured?

Latitude is the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator, expressed in degrees, ranging from 0 degrees at the Equator to 90 degrees at the poles.


What is the shape of the Earth?

The Earth is an oblate spheroid, meaning it is mostly spherical but slightly flattene at the poles and bulging at the equator.


What is a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking all or part of the Sun's light.


How long does it take for the Earth to complete one full rotation?

Approximately 24 hours.


What is Ms. V's favorite candy?

Reese's cups


Explain the importance of the equator in defining latitude.

The equator is the reference line for measuring latitude, dividing the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and is at 0 degrees latitude.


How does the Earth's shape influence gravity?

The Earth's shape results in variations in gravitational pull, which is slightly stronger at the poles and weaker at the equator due to the equatorial bulge.


What is a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth's shadow to fall on the Moon.


What effect does Earth's rotation have on day and night?

It causes alternation periods of day and night as different parts of the Earth face the Sun and then move away from it. One half of Earth is always lit by the sun and the other is not.


How many times does the Earth rotate on its axis during one revolution around the Sun?

325.25 times


Define Longitude.

Longitude is the measurement of distance east or west of the Prime Meridian, expressed in degrees.


Julia lives at the equator and went on vacation to the North Pole. When she got to the North Pole and stepped on the scale, what would she have noticed about her weight?

Julia would have noticed that her weight increased when she arrived to the North Pole.


What is the significance of the equinoxes?

The equinoxes mark the points in the year when day and night are approximately equal in length, occurring around March 21 (Vernal Equinox) and September 23 (Autumnal Equinox).


Explain how the Coriolis effect is related to Earth's rotation.

The Coriolis effect is the apparent deflection of moving objects (like air and water) due to Earth's rotation, causing them to curve to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.


What is the relationship between Earth's revolution and leap years?

A leap year occurs every four years to account for the extra approximately 0.25 days it takes Earth to complete its orbit around the sun, ensuring that our calendar remains aligned with Earth's position in its orbit.


How is the Prime Meridian significant in measuring longtiude?

The Prime Meridian (0degrees longitude) is the reference point from which all other longitudes are measured, diving the Earth into the Eastern and Western hemispheres.


What evidence do we use to prove that the Earth is round? Name at least 2.

Observations of the horizon and ships disappearing from view hull-first, the shape of the earth's shadow on the moon during an eclipse, all the other planets are spherical, the gravitational attraction is approximately the same all over the Earth, the altitude of Polaris is equal to your latitude in the Northern hemisphere, pictures of Earth from space!


What phenomenon occurs when the Moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit?

A supermoon occurs when a full moon coincides with the Moon's perigee, making it appear larger and brighter in the sky.


Think about it: What is the difference between the rotational speed at the equator and the poles?

The rotational speed at the equator is approximately 1670kmph (about 1037mph), while at the poles, the rotational speed is effectively zero, as the poles do not experience any circular motion.


Due to the Earth's revolution, which constellations are visible to us when we are located at position B? 

Aquarius and Pisces


Explain how longitude affects time zones.

Longitude determines time zones, with each time zone generally spanning 15 degrees of longitude, corresponding to one hour of time difference from the Prime Meridian.


What is Ms. V's favorite food?



Describe what a meteor shower is and how it occurs.

A meteor shower occurs when the Earth passes through the debris left by a comet, causing numerous meteors (shooting stars) to streak across the sky as they burn up in the Earth's atmosphere.