Who is the Secretary of the Navy?
Carlos Del Toro
Who is the Gaithersburg High School Masterchief Petty Officer?
Cadet Masterchief Petty Officer Nancy Hernandez
Enlisted Females can wear how many earrings while in uniform?
2 (1 on each ear)
What is the max number of service stars can you wear on your uniform?
What is the 5th General Order?
To quit my post only when properly relieved
Who is the Gaithersburg high school commanding officer?
Cadet Lieutenant Kevin Guzman
Who is the Department of Defense Commander in Chief?
President Joseph R. Biden
How often will the NJROTC uniform be worn by all cadets?
What is the measurement of the JROTC bar?
1 7/8 of an inch above the end of the collar
What is the 7th General Order?
To talk to no one except in the line of duty.
Who is the Chief of Naval Operations?
Who is the Secretary of Defense?
Lloyd Austin
What is the name of the black cap worn by all cadets?
Garrison cap/cover
Who is the only person who can approve modifications to cadets' uniforms?
Area 5 Manager
What is the 2nd General Order?
To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
Who is the Commander of the Naval Education Training Command?
Rear Admiral Upper Half Peter Garvin
Who is the Department of Defense Vice President?
Kamala Harris
What is the correct measurement for the fouled anchor on the garrison cover?
1/2 inches up, 2 inches back
What do the service stars represent?
How many years you have been in the unit
What is the 4th General Order?
To repeat calls from posts more distant from the quarterdeck than my own.
Who is the Masterchief Petty Officer of the Navy?
James Honea
Who is the Sgt. Major of the Marine Corps?
Sgt. Major Troy E. Black
How many inches above the pocket must ribbons and name tags be placed on male uniforms?
1/4 inch above the pocket seam
How many inches from the shoulder seam for ribbons and name tag for females?
6 1/4 Inches from the shoulder seam
To salute all officers, and colors, and standards not cased.