Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Why is Jeremy sad that he has to continue school without the Logans?

He is sad because he does not like his older siblings and his only real friends are the Logans.


Who blocks the road with their truck, and why? What does Mr. Morrison do in reaction?

Kaleb Wallace blocks the road. He threatens Mr. Morrison for what he did to his brothers. In return, Mr. Morrison lifts the truck out of the way.


What did Mrs. Barnett assume about the three of them? Why?

She assumes all 3 of them were African American since the Simms brothers were wearing stockings on their faces.


What does Mr. Jamison tell Papa about the boycott?

He tells them that the Wallaces are going to try to stop the boycott.


What is the annual revival?

The annual revival is a community gathering for the African Americans in the area. They feast and celebrate together.


Why did R.W. and Melvin beat up T.J.?

TJ threatened to tell on them, so RW and Melvin beat him up.


Who tries to get out of the boycott?

The Lanier and Avery families.


What happens in the interaction between T.J. and the Logans towards the end of the chapter?

TJ shows up to the annual revival with the Simms brothers. He tries to talk to the Logans, but they show no regard towards TJ. They ignore him and TJ leaves to Strawberry with the Simms to get him the pearl-handled gun.


Why do the Simms, Wallaces, and other white men show up at T.J.’s house?

They show up because they believe that TJ killed Mr. Barnett.


How did Papa get injured during his trip to Vicksburg with Stacey and Mr. Morrison?

Someone sabotaged their wagon and the wheels came off. While they were fixing it, someone shot Papa. The gunshot scared the horse that was pulling the wagon, causing the horse to roll the wagon over Papa's leg. Mr. Morrison attacked the men in retaliation.


Explain what happened to T.J. and the Simms brothers at the Barnett store.

The Simms' plan to get the pearl-handled gun for TJ was to steal it. The Simms say that they will tell Mr. Barnett that they will pay for it later, so they snuck in to get the gun. The Simms wore stockings over their faces, which scared TJ, but the Simms brothers continued to do what they were doing. Upon them breaking in, the Barnetts woke up, and RW hit Mr. Barnett in the back and knocks him out.


What do the Wallaces want to do in retaliation towards the end of the chapter?

The Wallaces threaten to hurt Jamison if he gets in their way of hanging TJ. The Wallaces are willing to do whatever it takes to be able to hang TJ.