Ch 1-6
Ch 7-9
Ch 10-12
Literary Elements/Structures
Figurative Language

Where and when does Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry take place?

Mississippi in 1933.


Who is responsible for giving Mr. Granger the idea to fire Mama?



How does Papa stop the night men from hanging T.J.?

He sets his cotton field on fire.


What is the main type of conflict in the story?

Character vs. Society


What is personification?

When an object is given human-like qualities. 


Which two characters own a Silver Packard?

Harlan Granger and Hammer Logan


What is the underlying reason Mama is fired from her job?

She started the boycott of the Wallace Store.


How did R.W. and Melvin trick T.J.?

They told him they would boy him the pearl-handled pistol, but really they went to Strawberry to rob the Mercantile.


What does thunder symbolize in the story?

The danger of racism and oppression


What is a simile?

A comparison of two things using the words "like" or "as".


Which two characters make Cassie apologize to Lillian Jean in Strawberry?

Charlie Simms and Big Ma


What does Big Ma do with the land?

She signs it over to Papa and Uncle Hammer.


What does Kaleb Wallace do in response to Mr. Morrison beating up his brothers?

He blocks Mr. Morrison's wagon with his truck and tries to intimidate him.


List two events that foreshadow that T.J. is headed for trouble.

- Mama says he is out of control

- He starts hanging out with R.W. and Melvin 

- He starts stealing from people


What type of figurative language is used below: 

He is a couch potato.



What is one thing Uncle Hammer does to stir up trouble between the Logans and the Wallaces? 

He drives his car over Soldier's Bridge forcing the Wallaces to back up and let him pass. 


What happens to Papa on the night trip back from Vicksburg?

He got shot and broke his leg


How does the chapter 11 poem relate to the novel?

Ole man is Mr. Granger. He is trying to keep the Logans in "their place." The Logans are resisting the oppression they face.


What could "land ownership" symbolize in the story? 

Power and/or freedom.


What type of figurative language is used below: 

Green grass grew on the sidewalk.



1. What does Mama do to teach the kids a lesson after they go to the Wallace Store? 

2. Why is this an appropriate consequence? 

1. She takes them to visit Mr. Berry. 

2. The Wallaces are members of the night men and are responsible for burning Mr. Berry. She wanted to show her children why they have a rule not to go to the store.


What makes many of the sharecroppers back out of the boycott?

- Mr. Granger threatens to kick them off his land.

- Mr. Granger raised the price for sharecropping from 50% to 60% of the cotton

- The Wallaces threaten to get the sherif to come arrest them if they don't pay back their debts.


What are TWO ways Mr. Granger has tried to get the Logan land?

- He threatens them

- He gets Mama fired from her job

- He gets the bank to "call up the note"


One of the themes of the text is the fight against racial injustice. List four ways the Logan's have fought against racism throughout the novel

- Mama covers the offensive chart 

- Mama teaches the truth about slavery

- The Logans stop the bus from terrorizing them

- Uncle Hammer stands up to the Wallaces on the bridge

- Cassie stands up to Mr. Barnett

- Cassie beats up Lillian Jean

- They boycott the Wallace Store


Provide your own example of a metaphor. 

Answers will vary.