Michael Jordan wore what 3 numbers when he played in the NBA
23, 45, 12
experts recommend up to how much milk per day for a 1 year old?
up to 16 oz
name 1 of charles barkley's most famous nicknames
Sir charles
round mound of rebound
owner of youtube
what famously lies beneath yellowstone national park?
a "super volcano"
What 2 teams did michael jordan play for during his NBA career?
Chicago Bulls
Washington Wizards
This animal, that is surprisingly popular in oregon, is able to stand and walk between 15 and 90 minutes of being born
who most famously wore the nike shox on the basketball court?
Vince Carter
what year did facebook start?
how many time zones does russia have?
Jordan was going to leave nike after the jordan 2 was released, that was until tinker hatfield showed up with the Jordan 3 (and a line of apparel to match), that donned what type of print, ultimately wowwing MJ enough to stay with Nike?
Elephant Print
on average, adults have about 10k tastebuds. how many do babies have on average?
name 3 nike basketball athletes, who have signature shoes, that were signed after the year 2000, WITHOUT naming lebron james
kyrie irving
paul george
Kevin Durant
name one of twitters four founders
Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams
The Strait of Gibraltar connects what 2 bodies of water?
it connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea
what famous college basketball coach was the head coach for UNC when Michael Jordan played for the TarHeels
Dean Smith
babies have 300 bones in their body when they're born. adults, 206. what happens to those other 94 bones?
they fuse together as the child gets older
how much did lebron james sign for when he inked a deal with nike?
$90 million (over seven years)
Jennifer aniston holds the fourth spot down as far as most liked IG pictures of all time goes. who did she take this picture with?
The cast of Friends
Mount Everest may be the tallest mountain above sea level, but when it comes to the tallest mountain on earth, who holds that honor?
Mauna Kea.
Above the sea, Mauna Kea only stands 13,796 feet in height. But when you follow the mountain to its base at the bottom of the Pacific, it's 32,808 feet — more than 3,000 feet taller than Everest.
Brooklyn, New York
Researchers say that babies born in what month are the heaviest? usually weighing around 200 grams heavier than babies born in other months
dwyane wade left jordan brand for what shoe company?
recently, GenZ claimed that millenials did three things that were seen as "dead," or uncool. Name one of those three things.
Side Parts (in your hair)
Skinny Jeans
The 😂 emoji
half of all the natural lakes in the world can be found in what country?