The first of its series was announced and released in 2005 and also came with an online service that allowed its subscribers to stream music and tv and play their games online. This console was also infamous for the "red-ring of death" that was indicative of the many system flaws it had.
What is the Xbox 360?
This boss is the nemesis to all peaceful dwellers of Hyrule. He scours the land in order to find the power of the tri-force in order to overtake the Royal Family
Who is Ganondorf?
This kingdom is ruled by the famous Princess Peach. Consisting of different landscapes such as deserts, plains, islands, forrests, and volcanoes, this is but the playground for Mario and his adventures to save the day from one evil Bowser
What is the Mushroom Kingdom?
This console was released in 2000 and was a 6th generation console to compete with the likes of the Dreamcast, the Gamecube, and Xbox. To date it is the best selling console ever at over 155 million units sold.
What is the Playstation 2?
One the most infamous antagonists in all of Dreamland. This masked fighter flies on the Haliberd battleship and reins terror with his swift sword. Sometimes he will offer the protagonist a sword to fight against him during boss battles.
Who is meta knight?
This country side is where the protagonist's grandfather owned his own farm. Now having bestowed to you, you must work with the residents in order to grow your farm and build the town. This particular valley has access to farm lands, caves, desserts, and just recently an island for your exploring pleasure.
What is Stardew Valley?
Created in 2005, this is one of Nintendo's smallest released consoles to date. However, the shelf-life of this console was short due to its lack luster innovation on its previous iterations
What is Game Boy Micro?
This character, or live personality, became infamous for being one of the most difficult matches in the well known Punch-Out!! Series. He is the final boss and even just a single punch from this boss will knock you out cold.
Who is Mike Tyson?
This land was first to be discovered by humans and the first region of Tamriel to be settled in. This land is home to many treacherous locals such as the Markarth, Hagravens, and Forsworn.
What is Skyrim?
What is the Old Kingdom?
What is the Fatherland?
A 5th Generation Console that just sold under 10 million units, this is the successor to its Sega's previous model. However, itself could not find success as it's competition, the Nintento 64, blew these consoles off the shelves.
What is the Sega Saturn?
A creature that found its way onto the Sevastopol station. This alien is the next evolution facehugger and terrorizes the space station through its vent systems attacking most lifeforms. This monster will do everything in its power to prevent u from escaping.
What is a xenomorph?
The capital city of the world of Gaia. This massive construction is powered by Shina Corporation's mako reactors that allow the city plates to rise above the ground. This is where Cloud and Tifa originally meet and become childhood friends
What is Midgar?
Dubbed to be one of if not THE first video game console ever to be created. German-American engineer Ralph Baer created this console and with it, one of the first ever video games, Pong.
What is the Odyssey?
This trainer is the epitome of who all trainers aspire to be. Sitting on top of Mr. Silver, this final boss is far stronger than any of the Gym Leaders or Elite 4 members you had faced prior. With a team of charizard, pikachu, and more, if you are not careful, he can wipe you after a long treck up the mountain.
Who is Trainer Red?
The world in which countries such as Mondstadt and Li Yue reside. This world is of just one of the many that exist in the Impact universe. The journey of the protagoists begin when they are trapped within this world and must regain their powers and find their lost twin in order to escape
What is Teyvat? (Genshin Imapct)