Old People With Big Words
Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights, oh my!
Name That ToP!

Oui Oui, this revolutionary, whose take on the use of force has been hotly debated, is the foundation for many schools of modern critical thought

Who is Franz Fanon?


A (blank) brings the story of a disadvantage 360 degrees to still serve as offense for the negative

What is a Double Turn?


These laws manage the ownership of content created on Youtube, poems composed in solitude, and even Jack's jazz solos.

What are copyright laws?


It's a way to describe when two things can't happen at the same time

What is "they are mutually exclusive?"


This Theory of Power concerns itself with the power of the state over the individual

What is "biopower"?


(Blank) believes that decolonization isn't a metaphor. We need to give the land back, and avoid moves to innocence. 

Who are Tuck and Yang?


These arguments tell it like it is, how things are, and how they're likely to be in the future

What is uniqueness?


These laws prevent the theft of designs and inventions of items and other tangible things.

What are patents?


What four letter word holds the power to render entire theories of power impotent and grind counterplans to dust....if only you remember to make the argument?

What is....perm?


This theory of power, popularly referenced in discussions of the Israel-Hamas war, focuses on power between native inhabitants and more recent arrivals.

What is settler colonialism?


(Blank) death and (blank) alienation are key terms in Anti-Blackness 

What are social, natal?


2NCs beware! These modular (blanks) are made up of evidence, extensions, and analytics. 

What are blocks?


This set of laws manages how we protect brands

What are trademarks?


These pesky arguments are necessary to support a counterplan -- you'll need one to prove that the CP is at least 1% better than the affirmative's plan

What is a net benefit?

Show me the money! This theory of power centers on the exploitation of labor and emphasizes private property.

What is capitalism?


In the eternal quest for power, this Italian scholar would take 'exception to the state of things', while his French counterpart was far more focused on hierarchies and inter-personal relationships. 

Who are Giorgio Agamben and Michel Foucault 


After 3 weeks, these predictable framework standards should stand out in your memory 

what are ground and limits?


What is another common way of protecting intellectual property that isn't a patent, trademark, or copyright?

What are trade secrets?


This theory argument complains about the proliferation of potential negative "worlds," especially if they contradict themselves. 

What is conditionality?


Don't get stonewalled by this question -- this Theory of Power focuses on what society does and does not consider "normal" or "acceptable"

What is Queer Theory?


This hyperly prolific scholar argued that the Gulf War wasn't real, and really...not much else is either. 

Who is Jean Baudrillard?


This lab lacks all (blank) when asking cross examination questions?

What is subtlety? 


This law, largely written before the internet, governs digital communications. Section (blank) manages liability for platforms that host 3rd party content

What is the Communications Decency Act, and Section 230?


These pesky counterplans are real Karens. They demand to be heard first, and listened to. Lie to them at your own risk.

What are Consult Counterplans?


This theory of power is really focused on the here and now and the relative balance of power between people and states. 

What is realism?