What Big , bright object shines the most in summer?
the Sun
What yellow fruit has a spiky top and tastes sweet?
where does eggs come from?
what's the name of our first experiment
Tornado in a bottle
In Indonesia, how many season are there?
2 Season
What is green on the outside and red in the inside with black seeds?
a Watermelon
What animal is the king of the jungle?
the Lion
Who is the name of our dino?
in what season do flowers grow?
What fruit has tiny seeds on the outside of its skin?
A Strawberry
What large animal has a trunk and big ears?
an Elephant
What is our last SFD theme?
Spring season
How many season are there in a year?
4 season
What fruit is known for being full of vitamin C?
an Orange
What animal is black and white and eats bamboo?
a Panda
tell us one of our experiment from our last SFD!
colorfull rain clouds / blooming flowers
What is the coldest season of the year?
What fruit keeps the doctor away if you eat one a day?
An Apple
what sea creature has claws and walks sideways?
a Crab
Tell us the name 2 of the "kakak" here in this room!