Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Which of the following is found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
a. nucleus
b. mitochondria
c. genetic material
d. cell wall
c. genetic material
Where in a plant does photosynthesis occur?
a. in chloroplasts
b. in guard cells
c. in phloem
d. in stomata
a. in chloroplasts
How do sponges reproduce sexually?
a. sperm from a sponge fertilize eggs in the same sponge
b. water carries sperm from one sponge to eggs in another sponge
c. water carries eggs from one sponge to sperm in another sponge
d. eggs are fertilized by sperm within the sponge's collar cell
b. water carries sperm from one sponge to eggs in another sponge
Based on fossil evidence, scientists believe the first vertebrates were
a. amphibians
b. birds
c. jawless fish
d. reptiles
c. jawless fish
What do the cells of plants and fungi have in common?
a. They both form hyphae
b. They both have cell walls
c. They both have chloroplasts
d. They both perform photosynthesis
b. They both have cell walls
In which type of plant tissue would you expect to find the FEWEST chloroplasts
a. leaf tissue
b. phloem tissue
c. root tissue
d. xylem tissue
c. root tissue
Which level of life is made up of different tissues working together?
a. cell
b. organ
c. tissue
d. organ system
b. organ
Scientists have identified several characteristics that show all chordates share a common ancestor. Which one characteristic is present in all chordates?
a. ectothermy
b. exoskeleton
c. hinged jaw
d. notochord
d. notochord
Binary fission is the bacterial process of
a. producing energy
b. obtaining food
c. forming endospores
d. asexual reproduction
d. asexual reproduction
Which of the following happens in the first stage of photosynthesis?
a. the capturing of energy in sunlight by chlorophyll
b. the use of captured energy to produce sugar
c. the absorption of water by plant roots
d. chemical reaction involving water and carbon dioxide
a. the capturing of energy in sunlight by chlorophyll
Hydra reproduce by budding from the parent. Later, they separate and live on their own. Which of the following is a characteristic of of this kind of reproduction?
a. the genetic material of two parents is passed on to the new hydra
b. the new hydra looks different from the parent
c. the new hydra has an exact copy of the parent's genetic material
d. the new hydra has half of the parents genetic material
c. the new hydra has an exact copy of the parent's genetic material
Birds have large chest muscles that are used to
a. digest food for energy
b. move the bird's wings
c. reduce body weight
d. trap heat and keep the bird warm
b. move the bird's wings
How are a paramecium and a euglena alike in structure?
a. They are both multicellular organisms
b. They both have specialized structures that allow them to move
c. They both have chloroplasts and carry out photosynthesis
d. They both have eye spots that are sensitive to light
b. The both have specialized structures that allow them to move Paramecium have cilia while Euglena have a flagellum
The plant's roots, stems, and leaves are examples of
a. cells
b. organs
c. tissues
d. organ systems
b. organs
Which of the following has a nervous system that includes a brain?
a. earthworm
b. hydra
c. jellyfish
d. sponge
a. earthworm
Scientists have used fossils to make inferences about the evolution of vertebrates. Which of the following inferences is the BEST supported by fossil evidence?
a. amphibians evolved from fishes
b. birds evolved from mammals
c. reptiles evolved from birds
d. mammals evolved from birds
a. amphibians evolved from fishes
Which of the following is not required for photosynthesis?
a. carbon dioxide
b. chloroplast
c. oxygen
d. sunlight
c. oxygen
Arthropods have well-developed nervous systems. In these systems, the organs and tissues work together to
a. bring oxygen to cells and remove wastes
b. catch and digest food
c. produce offspring through sexual reproduction
d. sense the environment and direct body activities
d. sense the environment and direct body activities
Unlike arthropods, vertebrates have endoskeletons. How do endoskeletons affect vertebrates ability to move?
a. they cover internal organs
b. they give the body its shape
c. they grow as the animal grows
d. they provide a place for muscles to attach
d. they provide a place for muscles to attach