Physical Exam
Lab Practical
Day 11 is rather important. What distinctive event occurs?
What is implantation?
Seeing how well a patient can speak uses what physical examination technique?
What is Inspection/observation?
The muscles weakened in Trendelenburg gait are innervated by a nerve. Name the other muscle innervated by this nerve.
What is the tensor fascia later?
The hypomere and epimere will give rise to muscles innervated by what two nerves, respectively?
What are the ventral primary rami and dorsal primary rami?
A physician takes vital signs of their patients. These are what?
What are temperature, BP, pulse, and respiration?
A woman fractures her coracoid process. This affects three muscles. Name them.
What are the pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis, and short head of the biceps brachia?
I am the creator of the neural plate. I will go on to become the nucleus pulposis of intervertebral discs. What gave birth to me?
What is the mesoderm OR epiblast cells?
When I abduct and adduct my patient's hip with one hand, I place my other hand where?
What is the iliac crest?
A man gets in a car crash and lacerates the surgical neck of his humerus. He cannot abduct his arm past a 15 degree angle. Name an artery that supplies the damaged muscle.
What is the thoracoacromial artery OR the posterior humeral circumflex?
My posterior neuropore didn’t close and caused one of two things to occur. I suffer from the more serious of the two and can go one of two routes. What are those two routes?
What are bifida spina cystica with meningocele and bifida cystica with myleomeningocele?
When I stand straight my knees touch.
What is valgus OR genu valgum?
The apical ectodermal ridge induces the growth of the upper limb at what vertebral level?
What is C4-T1 (L1-S3 is the lower limb)?
As my foot is externally rotated during McMurray's test, my knees pop and hurt. What's damaged?
What is the medial meniscus?