Longer Than a Year
Know Your Meme (Looking for the star in the memes' descriptions)
Let's Spice it Up!
My Brain is Not Mt.
So You Think You Know Clothes?

While we're not talking about a Camry, this brand's Land Cruiser is the car most likely to make it 300,000 miles, which is a lot more than 1 year.

What is Toyota.


Every time they cut into it, I'm waiting to see that it's actually the thing and in fact not edible.

What is cake.


This smokey spice is a staple topping a hellishly good egg side.

What is paprika.


The mt. range Mt. Everest is found in.

What is the Himalayas Mountain Range.


A bustle, although still used in some wedding dresses today, was traditionally used accentuate this body part.

What is the bum.


After Wilson decided to get involved, the United States only participated in this for 1 year and 7 months until an Armistice was signed.

What is World War I.


Bear tree blossoms in early summer? We are the problem. This is healing.

What is nature.


Although I don't want any gum flavored Mediterranean oregano, I am looking for this cool herb family it comes from.

What is mint.


No, not the pop. This mt. is a potentially active volcano at the southern end of the Cascade Range in California.

What is Mount Shasta.


 It’s said that this style hats, known as bombín locally, were sold cheaply to Bolivian women in the 1920s when they were found to be too small for the European workers they were intended for.

What is the bowler hat.


The Hundred Years' War actually lasted 116 years between France and England. Give me one year that this war was being fought.

The war took place between 1337 – 1453.


This style of Tik Tok became popularized when people on screen aren't talking and instead acknowledge words as they pop up in the video.

Point to Text


This Indian spice comes in yellow, brown, and black varieties and are all commonly used in curry.

What is mustard seed.


Andora is the only country that lies completely in this mt. range. However, parts of Spain and France also dip into it. Is this where the great name for those dogs comes from?

What are the Pyrenees.


The ruff was a type of ruffled collar where its size correlated with one's wealth, made popular in England in this century/year.

What is the 16th century/1500's.


Typically, this color wine will mellow out if you give it a chance to age a few years.

What is red wine.


When you give your baby this name, 

X Æ A-12

you will be made fun of.

Who are Elon Musk and Grimes. Just need one name.


I'll tell you what I want. I really really want you to tell me the name of the band that sings Wannabe.

What is Spice Girls.


A subrange of the Appalachian Mt., this range lies on the Tennessee–North Carolina border and boy is it fire!

What is the Great Smoky Mountains.


This traditional Japanese garment is from the 17th century and both women and men wore these then. If you speak Japanese, its name translates to "the thing worn."

What is kimono.


Although you wouldn't be able to prescribe medication, you would be certified to measure vital signs, take blood pressure, give injections and monitor medical equipment after 2 years of training to become this.

What is an LPN/Licensed Practical Nurse or LVN/Licensed Vocational Nurse.


During Trump's third State of the Union Address this lady didn't have to speak as she ripped her way into memes.

Who is Nancy Pelosi. 


Coming from the stigma of the blue flowering crocus, this is the world's most expensive spice.

What is saffron.


The Ural Mt. Range is found in this country.

What is Russia.


A single length of fabric, up to nine metres long is this most versatile and stylish garment of India. Don't apologize if you don't know!

What is a sari.