This game is Nintendo's most popular game.
What is Super Mario Bros.?
An English American political activist, philosopher and founding father of the U.S. He believed we should become independent from Britain and wrote "Common Sense"
Who is Thomas Paine ?
I'm not proud of my address, in a torn up town, no post code envy.
What is Royals - Lorde?
The city and country of the 2020 summer Olympics that have been postponed.
Where is Tokyo, Japan?
The world largest bird
What is the ostrich?
This war game has a long line of war games up to this day and is known to be compared to battlefield.
What is Call of Duty?
An early English philosopher and physician, know as the Father of Liberalism. He believed men are by nature free and equal.
Who is John Locke ?
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling...
What is 22.?
These two companies led the first FDA early-use-authorized Coronavirus vaccine.
What is Pfizer & BioNTech?
This is what FBI stands for.
What is Federal Bureau of Investigation?
A game that gives you a lot more options to change up your gear and you also fight aliens in this game which is also made by Bungie.
What is Destiny?
She led so many slaves to freedom that they called her "Moses".
Who is Harriet Tubman ?
All you ever did was wreck me.
What is What is Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus?
In 2014, Guinness World Records announced that this person had broken the record for the most game show episodes hosted by the same person on the same program.
Who is Alex Trebek?
The largest ocean.
What is the Pacific?
This is Sonic's Game Brand.
What is SEGA?
How many amendments have been added to the US Constitution
what is 27 ?
Say something I'm giving up on you.
What is Say Something - A Great Big World?
The United States Department of Defense officially released three short videos showing "unidentified aerial phenomena", otherwise known as this short 3 letter acronym.
What is UFO?
Three states of the U.S that start with the letter 'I'
What are Idaho, Illinois, Iowa?
A famous girl that goes around in a supersuit and fights aliens and has appeared in multiple games throughout Nintendo.
Who is Metroid/Samus?
The oldest elected president
Who is Ronald Reagan?
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter...
What is Roar - Katy Perry?
The first nest within the United States of these invasive, predatory insects was found in Washington State in October.
What are Murder Hornets?
The planet farthest from the Earth in the Solar System
What is Neptune?