Flying Animals
Plague Pursuit

In the year 2000, he won the U.S. Presidential election, known for his "war against terror" that led to the most useless and one of the most deadly wars in recent history.

Who is George W Bush?


This character is known to be insane and has a long term relationship with Detective Rosa Diaz.

Who is Adrian Pomento?


These machines are used to withdraw cash.

What is an "ATM"?


This small, flying mammal is the only mammal capable of sustained flight.

What is a bat?


This part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was used to categorize as a Corona virus, due to its resemblance to a crown.

What is a spike protein?


Thisiconic reality TV show, where participants lived on a deserted island, made its debut in the year 2000.

What is Survivor?


This recurring character, played by Craig Robinson, is known for his frenemies like relationship with Detective Jake Peralta, also known as the Pontiac Bandit.

Who is Doug Judy?


Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta and Vyvance are all used to treat this condition.

What is "ADHD"?


This flying insect is famous for its bioluminescent light production, and being featured in an owl city song.

What is a firefly?


This mosquito-borne viral disease, often found in tropical regions, is known for causing joint pain and fever, sometimes called "breakbone fever".

What is Dengue fever?


This iconic football team won the 2000's Euros to follow their 1998 FIFA World Cup win. 

What is France?


This catchphrase is often used by Jake Peralta when he's excited or enthusiastic about something.

What is Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. No doubt, no doubt?


Videos using this technique were all over the internet and include things such as blowing into a microphone, brushing feathers against the microphone, and whispers.

What is "ASMR"?


This is the largest flying bird in the world, known for its long wingspan and graceful soaring flight.

What is a Wandering Albatross?


This scientist is credited with developing the first vaccine for smallpox in the late 18th century.

Who is Edward Jenner?


The successful cloning of this animal was a giant biological breakthrough, done in Scotland.

Who is Dolly the Sheep?

Madeline Wuntch's Anti-wrinkle cream was replaced with this condiment for 15 years, in a long prank ran by Holt.

What is sour cream?


This acronym was used to open the floor for questions on the now dead social media website, ASKfm.

What is "AMA"?


This group of flying reptiles lived during the dinosaur era and was not actually dinosaurs but is often associated with them, by people who don't know better.

What is a Pteredactyl.


This epidemiological term refers to the period between exposure to a disease and the onset of symptoms or signs of the disease.

What is an incubation period?


This spacecraft, launched by NASA in 2000, successfully orbited and mapped the surface of our closest planet. 

What is the Mars Odyssey?


This term refers to the game that the detectives play to pass the time during slow periods at the precinct.

What is The Jimmy Jab Games?


Originally a military term, now used to describe someone who is went missing randomly without notice.

What is "AWOL"?


In the Harry Potter series, this magical creature resembles a horse with wings and is known for its healing powers.

What is a hippogriff?


This Italian city famously used the phrase "Peste, infine, peste" ("Plague, again, plague") to describe its recurrent outbreaks of the bubonic plague.

What is Florence?