Invented in Rome during the 20th century, this cheesy sauce is often served with fettuccine
what is Alfredo
32 green houses,
12 red hotels,
lots of play money
what is monopoly
These are the 2 continents elephants are native to
what are Africa and Asia
Marketing itself in its own chocolate, this brand has imprinted #mybreak on its wafer bars
what is kitkat
It's written in the stars! It's the zodiac sign of twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen
what is gemini
A meat sauce you might find in a lasagna, it gets its name from a city in northern Italy
what is bolognese
Lots of red pegs,
even more white pegs,
10 plastic vessels,
including 2 aircraft carriers
In the animated film "Frozen", these 2 sisters call the Kingdom of Arendelle home
who are Elsa and Anna
Introduced in 1912, this brand of chocolatey cookies can be spelled using letters in "chocolatier"
what is Oreo
2003 film Richard Roeper deemed "one of the worst movies I've ever seen"; at least it didn't keep Ben & J.Lo from reuniting
what is Gigli
Originally called sauce isigny, this creamy yellow sauce is a key ingredient for eggs Benedict
what is Hollandaise sauce
4 racks,
100 tiles
(98 tiles have letters, 2 are blank)
These are the 2 parts of the legislative branch; you know... U.S. Congress
what are senate and House of Representatives
A conveyor belt of chocolates hilariously overwhelms 2 characters in a classic 1952 episode of this sitcom
what is I love Lucy
A fitting name, this desert is Mongolian for "waterless place"
what is the Gobi Desert
This traditional Oaxacan chile sauce comes in a variety of colors & flavors
what is mole
Color-coded plastic armies,
42 territory cards,
5 dice
what is risk
These are the 2 bands inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame that have had Dave Grohl as a band member
who are nirvana and the foo fighters
It's a 10-letter word that describes someone who is incredibly fond of eating chocolate
what is chocoholic
Celeb chef Giada De Laurentiis has a recipe for this dish that calls for salt, pepper, flour, an egg and 1 1/2 pounds of Russet potatoes
what is gnocchi
This herby green sauce is often served alongside grilled meats in Argentina
what is chimichurri
19 terrain hexes,
60 roads,
1 robber
What is settlers of catan
These are the 2 elements that make up a molecule of CO2
what are carbon and oxygen
As a nod to its cuisine's origins, this restaurant chain offers a dessert called "The Great Wall of Chocolate"
what is P.F. Chang's
This tight end recently retired with 4 Super Bowl rings; it helps when you play with Tom Brady
who is Rob Gronkowski