U.S. Flags
Drill and Ceremony
Who is traditionally responsible for the safeguarding, care, and display of the unit’s colors? (HINT: One of the Top 3)
The Command Sergeant Major
a. What is a map? b. The arrow on a compass always points in what direction? (Answer both questions to receive the points!)
a. A map is a graphic representation of a portion of the earth’s surface drawn to scale, as seen from above b. Magnetic north
What are the 4 quadrants on a map?
a. Northeast / Southeast / Northwest / Southwest
a. Where is the Legend of the map found? b. The most common units of measurement on road maps are? (Answer both questions to receive the points)
a. Lower left margin b. kilometers and miles
From what position are all stationary movements given?
Position of Attention
On post (military installation) where is building number 1 located?
At the base of the flag pole
What may be measured with a compass and protractor? (HINT: Ben10's Omnitrix!)
An azimuth! (Like AZMUTH)
a. Name 2 ways to orient a map. b. What are contour lines? (Answer both questions to receive the points)
a. A compass or terrain association b. Imaginary lines on the ground connecting equal elevation and representing high and low ground elevation
a. How many North’s are there on a military map? b. What is a coordinate? c. What is the general rule for reading military grid coordinates? (For this question only, answer two of the three questions to receive the points)
a. True north / Magnetic north / Grid north b. A set of equal numbers digits used to locate an object on a map c. Read to the right and up
What are some examples of a combined command?
At Ease / Fall- In and Rest
What does the Hoist and Fly of a flag mean?
The Hoist is the width of the flag (vertical edge, measured from top to bottom) The Fly is the length of the flag (horizontal edge, measured from left to right)
a. How is elevation and relief shown on a map? b. What must be done to a map before it can be used?
a. By contour lines b. The map must be oriented
a. How close will an eight digit grid get you to your point? b. What is the distance between grid lines on a combat map? (For this tile only, you may receive all points if you get only one question right.)
a. 10 meters (eight digit grid) b. 1 kilometer or 1000 meters (grid line distance on a combat map)
What are 3 types of contour lines?
Index / Intermediate / Supplementary
What is Cadence?
The uniform rhythm in which a movement is executed, or the number of steps or counts per minutes at which a movement is executed
a. With the addition of the three (3) most recent campaign streamers, what is the total number of campaign streamers displayed on the Army Flag? b. What are the dimensions of the campaign streamers?
a. 178 streamers b. 2 ¾ inches wide and 4th feet long
a. What is a benchmark? b. What would you use on a map to measure actual ground distance? (Answer both questions to receive the points)
a. A man-made marker showing points of elevation b. The bar scale
What are the 5 major terrain features found on a map?
Hill / Ridge / Valley / Saddle / Depression
What does the term intersection mean?
Finding the location of an unknown point by sighting two or more known points
a. What is a Guidon? b. What are the two parts of most drill command? (Answer both questions to receive the points)
A guidon is a swallow-tailed flag carried by companies, batteries, troops, and certain detachments b. Preparatory Command and Command of Execution
What are some places that the flag is flown 24 hours a day by specific legal authority as of January 1966? (HINT: 4 places, think national anthem!)
1) The US Capitol in Washington, DC 2) Fort McHenry National Monument Flag House Square in Baltimore, MD 3) Francis Scott Key's Grave 4) The World War Memorial in Worcester, Massachusetts
a. How many mils are there in a circle? mil = one thousandth of an inch b. How close will a six digit grid coordinate get you to your point? (Answer both questions to receive the points)
a. mils in a circle = 6400 mils or 1000 meters b. 100 meters (six digit grid)
How many Mils are in one Degree? mil= one thousandth of an inch
17.7 mils
What are the basic colors of a map and what does each color represent? BONUS (worth 500 points): How do you figure out a back azimuth?
* Black – Manmade Objects * Red – Major roads and highways * Blue - Water * Green - Vegetation * Brown – Contour lines, Elevation and Relief BONUS' Answer: If the azimuth is 180 degrees or less, you add 180 degrees. If the azimuth is 180 degrees or more, you subtract 180 degrees. The back azimuth of 180 may be expressed as zero degrees or as 360 degrees.
What is the “Blue Book”?
A drill manual used by Baron Von Steuben (a former Prussian officer) to train the colonial army. Extra Info: It preceded the FM 3-21.5. It was known as “The regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States”. This book was the first Army Field Manual.