Sum of Parts=Total of Object
Chemical/Physical Changes
Global Weather
Weather Potpourri
Force & Motion Potpourri
A sheet of paper was weighed and then cut into 10 pieces. How much should the 10 pieces of paper weigh compared to the whole sheet of paper?
The weight should be the same

Caroline left an ice cube on the kitchen counter. An hour later, she notices that the ice has changed. What evidence would Caroline have observed that shows a physical change has occurred? a) The ice melted to form a liquid. b) The ice is now colder. c) The ice melted to form a solid. d) The ice is now clear.

a) The ice melted to form a liquid.

Which statement best explains how prevailing westerlies move across the U.S.? a) They move the air masses from the east to the west across the U.S. b) They move the air masses from the west to the east across the U.S. c) They move the cold air masses from the Atlantic Ocean toward the west across the U.S. d) They move the warm air masses from the Gulf Stream across the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S.
b) They move the air masses from the west to the east across the U.S.
Lake Gaston experiences a drop in its water level each summer because of the long hot days. Which phases of the water cycle are most likely responsible for the drop in the water level?
Increased evaporation and decreased precipitation
A farmer pushes a cart loaded with apples across a sidewalk. She removes some apples from the cart. How will the cart move if the farmer continues to push with the same force?
It will move faster.
A student adds 6 grams of fruit juice mix to 100 grams of water. What is the mass of the new solution?
106 grams

A student placed 50 mL of vinegar in a glass bowl. She added 5 old pennies to the bowl. After 20 minutes, the student removed the pennies from the bowl and observed that the vinegar in the bowl had turned a shade of light brown, and the pennies were smooth and shiny. What type of change did the student observe? a) a change in color and shape b) a change of shape and state c) a change of color and texture d) a change of texture and state

c) a change of color and texture

What effect does the Gulf Stream have on the weather along the southeastern coast of the United States?
The Gulf Stream keeps the weather along the southeastern coast milder than in other areas at the same latitude.
A student is asked to name two processes in the water cycle in which water changes to water vapor and is released in the atmosphere. Which processes should the student choose?
Evaporation and transpiration
Miguel kicks the soccer ball to score a goal. What force will cause the ball to stop rolling across the field?
Regina is baking a cake. She prepares the batter by adding 500 grams of flour, 200 grams of butter, and 300 grams of sugar in a bowl. What is the mass of the batter in the bowl?
1,000 grams
In which activity has a chemical change occurred? a) boiling of milk b) freezing of water c) milk turning sour d) adding sugar to water
c) milk turning sour
During an El Nino year, the water of the Pacific Ocean to the southwest of California becomes warmer than normal. What effect will it most likely have on the weather of southern California during winter?
Increased rainfall
Candace sees tall, puffy, dark gray cumulus clouds with flat bottoms and anvil shaped tops forming over her town. What type of weather will her town most likely experience soon?
A ball is pushed off the edge of a table to the floor. The ball moves faster and faster as it comes down. What factor causes the motion of the ball to change as it falls to the floor?
A student fills three identical cups (A, B, and C) with 100 mL of water. He adds 50 grams of salt to cup A, 50 grams of food color to cup B, and 40 grams of sand grains to cup C. Which statement is correct? a) Cups B and C have a greater mass b) Cups A and B have a greater mass c) Cup A has a greater mass d) Cup C has a greater mass
b) Cups A and B have a greater mass
Which activity will cause a chemical change? a) melting gold to make jewelry b) burning gasoline in a lawnmower c) freezing water to make ice cubes d) boiling water to make soup
b) burning gasoline in a lawnmower
Which best describes a characteristic of the jet stream? a) It forms a boundary between a cold air mass and a warm air mass. b) It creates the high winds around the eye of a hurricane. c) It forces the hot air along the equator to rise to areas in North America. d) It causes high pressure air masses to rotate clockwise.
a) It forms a boundary between a cold air mass and a warm air mass.
In which way are evaporation and condensation similar?
Both are caused by changes in heat energy.
A red car and a blue car sped around a racetrack five times and finished at the same time. What can be concluded about the average speed of the two cars?
The average speed of the red and blue cars was the same.
Bella and Haley are drinking cold coffee in two identical cups (A and B). Each cup contains 100 grams of cold coffee. Bella adds 10 grams of chocolate powder to cup A, and Haley adds 25 grams of sugar to cup B. What is the mass of the contents in each cup?
Cup A: 110 grams Cup B: 125 grams
Shelly burns a candle and makes some observations. Which observation is an example of a chemical change? a) The candle wax melts. b) There is a flame, and black smoke is given off. c) There is no change in the color of the candle wax. d) The candle wax hardens after it dries.
b) There is a flame and black smoke is given off.
What is the cause of rising surface temperatures of the Pacific Ocean, drought in the western United States, and flooding on the Pacific coast of South America?
El Nino
Why do winds at the beach change direction between day and night?
Because the temperatures over land and over water change
What can cause a moving object to increase its speed in a forward direction?
A force that continually acts on the object in the direction the object is moving