What is Jason’s level in the Marketing Plan?
20k Senior Executive President’s Team
What BizWorks report can you pull to see your Organization Volume. (On the website, not the app)
Supervisor Volume Plus
How much Protein is in 2 scoops of Formula 1?
New customer walks into your club knowing product names. Says they want to buy product for home. Your response:
A: Easy money, make the sale
B: They know the products, ask if they have a coach/home club and send them that direction if they do.
C: Figure out how long it’s been since they ordered from someone else. If it’s been awhile, make the sale.
B: If someone knows products by name they probably have a coach or they’ve been into another club. The Ethical thing to do would be to send them to that coach and let them make the sale.
When posting on social media, what is the maximum income that we can claim?
What are the 3 R’s?
Retail, Recruit, Retain
What is Chief Executive President’s Team?
Where can a distributor go (what application) to learn more about products and business practices?
HN Grow
What product is formulated with Panax Ginseng?
Minimum amount of personal consumption to meet the qualifications for VIP, promotions, bonus’, etc.
What’s the highest check you can post on social media?
Finish the sentence:
“There’s pennies in the sale ____________.”
and a fortune in the follow up
As a brand new Millionaire Team Member, what is the waiting period you must fulfill before you collect your first 4% PB?
2 months of 4,000 RO after qualification
What application does Herbalife offer to help with follow up, keep track of client orders, and send bulk emails.
HN Connect
What product contains a plant sterol
Core complex
If you were a distributor for one year, resign and then sign up under a different sponsor, how long do you have to wait to open a club?
1 year
How long do you have to be in the business to sign a club lease?
1 year
Give us your 30 second elevator pitch.
Sign me up!
What level in the marketing plan qualifies you for the 6.5% Production Bonus?
20k President’s Team
Where on myherbalife can you walk a new client through the interactive meal plan builder?
The “Nutrition” tab in the drop down menu
What ingredient is found in prolessa that helps with fat reduction?
CLA conjugated linoleic acid
How do you handle negative talk about other clubs from customers?
Edify the business/HL
take control of the convo
highlight the positives
give them a 5 star experience
private - whatever your little heart desires
Give us your 30 second napkin pitch!
Shut up and take my money!
What level in the marketing plan qualifies you for the 7% Production Bonus?
50k President’s Team
How do you create a receipt?
Order product as retail/inventory
Go to customers tab
create new receipt
add/select customer
add products
select payment type
create receipt
What protein is used in Rebuild Strength; how many grams of protein per serving; how many hours does it work in the body?
Whey and Casein; 24g Protein; up to 6 hours
If you were a distributor for one year, resign and then sign up under the same sponsor, how long do you have to wait to open a club?
There is no wait if you sign back up with the same sponsor
What is the highest income you can claim in a TAB team meeting?
What have you found to be the best way to get someone to an event and why do you feel that works so well?
Butts in seats