perioperative assessment
sterile technique
skin antisepsis
This should always be put first during perioperative care.
What is: patient safety
Name three hemostats used to prevent excessive loss of fluid?
What is a. Crile b. Mosquito c. Kelly
Name two risks involved with anesthesia?
What is a. Hypotension b. Malignant hyperthermia
Can a sterile field be left unattended once created?
What is NO
This antimicrobial agent should not be used above the neck due to its potential damage to eyes and ears.
What is CHG
Other substance considerations for medication assessment
What are: herbal preparations, recreational drugs, alcohol, smoking
What are the two basic types of scissors used for?
What is tissue and suture
5. Name 3 factors taken into consideration before determining what type of anesthetic to use for a patient?
What is Patient/surgeon preference Surgical procedure Physiological status Age Postoperative recovery time Length of surgery Position of patient Patient’s previous experiences with anesthesia
What are the two scenarios when it is okay to cover the sterile field?
What is 1) When there is an unanticipated delay 2) during periods of increased activity
Are all components to skin prep documentation.
What is The area of the body to be prepped, the type and extent of hair removal at the operative site, name of the person performing the prep, assessment of the skin at the operative site and the skin prep agent used.
This is a special consideration for children in the age group of 3-6 years old.
What is interpreting tems literally, so be specific and honest
Define a neutral zone?
What is Designated area on the sterile field where the scrub person and surgeon place all sharp instruments.
During monitored anesthesia care (MAC) what is the responsibility of the perioperative nurse?
What is To monitor for the following risks: Extravasation of intravenous medication A reduction of arterial oxygen saturation Breathing difficulty
What three goals does using aseptic technique hope to achieve?
What is minimize length of recovery time from surgery, optimize primary wound healing, prevent SSI’s
The characteristics that are found in antimicrobial agents. (6)
What is - broad spectrum, high log reduction capability, persistency, nonirritating, nontoxic and fast acting
3 main factors for assessing a patient for allergies
What is prior reaction, heredity, type
Name two instruments in the Grasping & Holding category?
What is a. Tissue forceps b. Sponge forceps c. Towel forceps d. Allis forceps e. Babcocks f. Stone forceps g. Tennacula h. Needle holders
What are the three phases of anesthesia?
What is a. Induction b. Maintenance c. Emergence
When transferring sterile medication or solutions to the field a ____ should be used
What is a sterile transfer device
The length beyond the incision site in which the skin
What is 6-8 inches
Factors that modify a cardiovascular assessment for a geriatric patient. (4)
What are: decreased cardiac output, decrease medication absorption, need for DVT prophylaxis, thickening arterial walls
What is the difference between a crile and a mosquito?
Crile- used to control bleeders in subcutaneous tissues (layer of loose, irregular connective tissues immediately beneath the skin) Mosquito- used to control superficial bleeders in delicate tissues (ie plastic surgery or hand surgery)
What are the four stages of anesthesia?
What is Stage I: Initial administration Stage II: excitement Stage III: Intrasurgery Stage IV: Possibility of respiratory failure
What kind of gloving does this describe and when should it be used? “the team member’s gown sleeve is pulled up so that the gown cuff is at wrist level, leaving the fingers and hand exposed”
What is Open gloving. It is used when closed assisted gloving is not an option and whenever gloves are changed during a case
Organisms that require chemical agents to eliminate them and prevent their regrowth for a period of time.
What is resident microorganisims