Despite looking a lot like insulation this spun sugar confection is always a favorite at the carnival
Cotton Candy
In 1610, this man was the first to observe Saturn through a telescope
Dudes - the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael & this party-loving 4th member
Aunt May & Norman Osborn show up in this superhero's Marvel-ous high-flying game
This is a metaphor for something signaling a problem in a relationship or a symbol of communism, socialism or left-wing politics
Red Flags
To grow crimson in embarrassment or a cosmetic used to add color to cheeks
On this least massive planet, you would be only 38% of your Earth weight and feel extremely hot
A magical young unicorn & her friends live in Equestria on this TV show called _________: Friendship is Magic
My Little Pony
This fast running hedgehog recently starred in Sony's live-action adventure comedy.
This is recognized internationally as a symbol of surrender, truce and request for negotiation.
White Flag
The name of this plant comes from an Irish word meaning clover
A song by Train begins "Now that she's back in the atmosphere with drops of this in her hair"
A boy named Ryder leads this program's plucky pups who pine for professions like policeman
The 7 rotatable blocks used in this video game have fake nicknames like Orange Ricky Hero & Smashboy
Nascar recently banned the display of this at their races.
Confederate Flag
This type of light has a wavelength shorter than 400 nanometers (but the crayon splits it into 2 words)
The International Astronomical Union recognized 88 of these covering the entire northern & southern sky - 12 of which are part of the Zodiac
On PBS, He's The Science Kid
Many online and mobile games say they are "F2P" meaning this; beware there are usually ways to spend cash down the line
This certification is given by the Foundation for Environmental Education as an endorsement of cleanliness of beaches and marinas.
Blue Flag
Wild Blue Yonder
In 2019, this Heavy Space-X Rocket launched a solar sail testing for space travel powered by sunlight
Falcon Heavy
This German shepherd was a kid's favorite in the '50s & returned as a K-9 cop in an '80s & '90s show
Rin Tin Tin
Of the 4 ghosts in the original English version of the Pac-Man game, the one name that doesn't rhyme with the others
This flag consists of a blue background and a circle of twelve five pointed stars.
EU / Flag of Europe