Michael Murray served in what branch of the Military
What is a US Army as an Airborne Pathfinder
This specialized soldier helps guide aircraft to drop zones and landing sites. They are an elite force trained to provide navigational aid and advice to military aircraft.
What mythological being is part of St Patty's lore and Irish Culture
What are Leprechauns?
An Irish folklore, fairy in the form of a tiny old man often with a cocked hat and leather apron. Solitary by nature, he is said to live in remote places and to make shoes and brogues.
Where is the Consent Tracker Housed?
What is CREA Web
Where was Tony’s father from?
What is Sulmona, Italy?
Sulmona is the home of the Italian confectionery known as confetti. These are sugar-coated almonds and are traditionally given to friends and relatives on weddings and other special occasions. Confetti can be eaten or simply used as decoration.
Name two originators
Who are , Neala, Michael, Richard, Alison, Adam, Dave, Michele, Daniel
This CREA EVP can be found on a tennis court, at a piano or paddleboarding after hours.
Who is Brad Howarth
St Patty's day was a "Dry" holiday until what year?
What is 1970?
Prior to 1970, Irish law prohibited pubs from opening on March 17 because it was a Religious Holiday.
Then St. Patrick's Day became a national holiday in 1970, pubs became a popular place to celebrate.
How many days does Underwriting have to turn around a review?
What is 5 days
What is Tony's favorite Color
What is Red?
What project type would allow you to tack back credits to beginning of year
What is Occupied acquisition or rehab
This SVP holds a BA in Political Science, French and Spanish!
Who is Alison Anderson
What song is considered the national anthem of Northern Ireland?
What is Oh Danny Boy?
Who is our 3rd party Insurance Contact
Who is D&M/Resha
How many siblings does Tony have
What is Two?
Brother and Sister - He is the baby
Name an account manager who also originates deals
Who are Michele or Daniel
This SVP often listens to Limp Bizkit when getting ready for work in the morning.
Who is Amy Frist
Where does the phrase, "Kiss me, I'm Irish come from?
Blarney Stone
Who do we send Insurance Waivers to be reviewed?
What is Tony's favorite sport?
What is Tennis?
What are the two ways state credits can be structured
What is certified or allocated
Tom Pereina is an adjunct professor at what college?
What is Boston College
There is a tradition that the Irish Government leaders give the sitting US President shamrocks on St Patty's day. This dates back to 1952, when John Hearne first sent some to this former US President?
Who was President Harry Truman?
What document must you send to Consents once CREA AM approves a management change.
What is a Management Company Profile
What is Tony's favorite office snack?
What is Teddie Super Crunchy Peanut Butter?
Name a factor that might affect yield
What is PPC, depreciation, timing of installments, credit delivery, interest rates on permanent loans, income and expenses