What is 460?
What is 800?
Name 3 strategies or manipulatives to help us with rounding:
What is a Hundreds Chart, Base Ten Blocks and Number Lines?
What is 380?
What is 600?
What is 5 to 9 Climb the Vine, 0 to 4 Slide to the Floor?
What is 170?
What is 300?
After the rounding digit, all of the remaining digits turn to which number:
What is 0?
How many digits in the 50s would round up to 60?
What is 5 Digits? (55, 56, 57, 58 and 59 all round up to 60)
What is 1000?
Step 1 of the rounding process is:
What is Underline the Rounding Digit?
How many digits would round to 320?
What is 9 digits? (315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 321, 322, 323 and 324 all round to 320)
This digit and any numbers higher round UP to the nearest hundred:
What is 50?
Step 2 of the rounding process is:
What is Circle Digit to the Right?