Computer Routine
Quiet Room Routine
Lunch/Recess Routine
Hallway Routine
Bathroom Routine
Name 1 time when it is okay to use your computer

1 example!


If you need a break, should you run out of the classroom?

Nope! You need to raise a quiet hand and ask for a break or ask the adult you are with for a break. 


Should you put your hands on another student out at recess?

Nope! You should be keeping your hands to yourself at all times during the school day. 


What level should your voice be at in the hallway?

Level 0 or Level 1

Is running down the hallway a part of the bathroom routine?

Nope! What should you do instead?

Name 2 activities you are allowed to use during computer time

2 activity examples!


Can you have your computer in the quiet space?

Nope! Computers are not allowed in the quiet space.


Name two activities that are good to play during recess!

2 activity examples!


What is an example of a level 1 voice?



Is flushing the toilet and washing your hands a part of the bathroom routine?

Yes! Making sure you flush the toilet and wash your hands are 2 important pieces of the bathroom routine!


Is youtube an appropriate website for computer time?

Nope! Youtube is a website you can use at home, but it is not school appropriate. 


Name 2 items you are allowed the have in the quiet space

2 examples!


Should you be eating lunch on the floor?

Nope! Your body should be safely in a seat during lunch time. 

Should you be touching the bulletin boards when you are in the hallway?

Nope! Your hands should stay by your sides while in the hallway. 


Is throwing water from the sink onto the floor a part of the bathroom routine?

Nope! It is not time to play when we go to the bathroom. You should wash your hands with a safe and calm body before going back to class.


What should you do when computer time is over?

Close your computer, walk to put it away, return to your seat and wait for the next direction. 


What should you do if you need more time after the timer goes off during a break?

Ask the teacher for more time!


What should your body look like when you are told it's your turn to join the lunch line?

Calm body, walking feet, level 0/1 voice, kind words


Should you be crawling in the hallways?

Nope! You should be walking on your feet in the hallway. 


Is running out of the classroom part of the bathroom routine?

Nope! It is important to raise a quiet hand and ask an adult before going to the bathroom. 


What level should your voice be at during computer time?

Level 1!


Can you have fidgets in the quiet space?

Yes! If they are helping you to have a safe and calm body, you can have fidgets!


Is it okay to say swear words while you are out at reces?

Nope! It is important to be using kind language at all times. 


Is it okay to bang on the doors you are passing by while you are in the hallway?

Nope! Other students are completing work and learning in their classrooms. It is important to stay quiet and keep your hands to yourself. 


Should you stop by the office or another classroom on your way to the bathroom or back from the bathroom?

Nope! You should be walking straight from the bathroom to your classroom.