Where do you turn all assignments in?
The turn in tray
How many warnings do you get before we move to a silent during math/reading rotations?
Where do you record your Daily Math Review every morning for Morning Work?
What voice level should you be on during Coffee Break?
What should you highlight before you turn your work in?
Your name!
What do you get if you are making good choices?
A fuzzy!
Mrs. Buchanan usually calls you by ____________ to line up.
Where do dull pencils go?
In the dull pencil container at your table.
True or False? We can answer the door without Mrs. Buchanan's approval.
For Reading and Math tests, we take them on the computer on _______________.
Who picks who is being the best in our line?
The Line Monitor
What do you do right after you greet Mrs. Buchanan in the morning?
Make your Book Nook choice.
Where do your password cards go?
In your headphones bag.
What signals that you can move to your next rotation?
The code word.
You should never ever misspell these words on a Words Test.
Word Wall Words
What do you earn if your entire table is making good choices?
A table point!
If you have to leave before you finish your afternoon job, what should you do?
Ask a friend to help you/finish it.
Is Volume 2 of your math book pink or green?
What signals to stop working during your rotation/your rotation is finished?
The bell.
True or False? You can write on your computer screen with Expo during MasteryConnect tests.
How many class compliments do we need to earn for a reward?
What do you do when Mrs. Buchanan rings her doorbell?
Stop working and put both hands on your head.
Where should your Expo marker go when you are finished using it?
Inside of your baby sock and in the teal basket.
What are the three ways you can sit on the carpet?