What should you do when the bell rings at the end of a class period?
Wait for the teacher to dismiss me and collect my materials.
1) What needs complete emptying before 8:20
2) Where do the contents go?
1) Bag/Napsack
2) In my Cubby
When are you permitted to go to the canteen?
Before returning to class after outside play, in the first 5 minutes of 'eating time', you may go to the canteen, then return right to class.
Where do you learn about what you have for formative and summative assessments? How often should I check for this information?
At the end of each school day, think about what you need to take home to complete assignments and study for assessments.
Every day after school, you should check Managebac for all the upcoming assignments and tests you have.
Are you permitted to have your phone in use during the school day?
What should I do when the bell rings at the end of 'eating' time?
Clean up, stand up, and move to the next lesson.
List all materials that are needed for Math class every day.
1. Math A4 Notebook
2. Math A4 Binder with Lined A4 paper
3. Pencil or Erasable Pen (blue/black)
4. Math text / workbook (if used in that unit)
When are the most ideal times for visiting the bathroom?
During the Outside Break or Lunch times OR during the 'Eating Time' if you ask your teacher's permission. It is not ideal to ask to use the bathroom during class time.
Where might you get other needed information from your class teachers or from the principal?
In Managebac Calendar or Managebac Discussions AND
You should check your email once per day (after school).
Are you permitted to have phone notifications on at school?
During class what are the main expectations for students receiving instruction and communicating in the lesson.
1) put hand up when wanting to respond or ask questions
2) listen while others ask questions and for the answers they receive
3) follow the lesson and take clear, accurate, organized notes in your math notebook
Where should my desk be located?
Back legs/wheels on the colored floor tape.
When are you permitted to get water?
During break and lunch times. During your personal time.
Where are my grades found? How often should I check them?
Your grades for each class are found in Managebac. You should check on them 1-2 times per week.
What are the consequences of having them on?
Phones will be confiscated and given to Ms.Panidou. Students will need to see her to have them returned.
What should I do with my bag and jacket before 8:20?
Empty my bag fully, then place it neatly on top of the cubbies?
Hand my jacket out in the hallway.
How should my lined pages be used correctly?
1) Write a clear title and date at the top of the page.
2) Work down the page in a vertical fashion
3) Make two columns of work
4) Use the back side of the page
5) Be neat
Under what conditions are you permitted to stay inside during the lunch or break times?
If it's raining, too cold, or you have permission from your parent.
SKIBIDI in math...Use each letter to write the "Way to an A in Math". First hint...
Are you permitted to use your laptop during the school day for anything other than class related use?
What should I do with my tray during the day?
1) Fill it with the upcoming class materials
2) Empty it before Break, Lunch, and After School
List all things that get stored in your Math notebook.
1) Math handouts
2) Math Quizzes or Tests
3) Math work in general
What are the procedures for moving chairs and bringing in stools during the 'eating' times?
No extra chairs and stools are permitted in the classroom. Chairs may not be moved, but placed at different angles only, in order to allow for socializing. At the end of the lunch time, all chairs must be placed back where they belong.
What is the difference between a grade of 3 and 4?
3 - Secure - this grade means that you are completely stable and secure with the skills and concepts which have been practiced before in class. You consistently perform accurately on the assigned tasks.
4 - Extending - This means that you are consistently performing accurately on skills and concepts which extend beyond the standard of achievement on tasks which are New or Unseen to you in the past.
When is it appropriate to use your phone and your laptop?
Phone - before 8:20 and after 3:00
Laptop - only to be used in class if the teacher has given you permission