Mrs Pettet
What is Mrs Pettet's favorite soda?
(Diet) Dr Pepper
What do we do with our hands while walking in the hallway?
Nothing-they stay at our sides and don't touch the wall or anything else.
When is work due?
At the beginning of each subject
Do you go to your locker first, or come into the classroom first?
Come into the classroom
What is our goal time for packing up?
Less than 10 minutes
What is Mrs Pettet's favorite kind of shoes?
When do we start our correct hallway behavior?
As soon as we get in line in the classroom
What do we do to turn in a late assignment?
Take the sticky note from our To Do list, put it on the late assignment, and turn it in to the late work drawer.
What time do students need to be in the classroom for school to start?
What do students do during read aloud?
Nothing--just listen
What is Mrs Pettet's first name?
What happens when we lose all 3 of our "points" in the hallway?
We go back to the classroom and start over
What do we do with our hands after/during an attention getter?
Slap hands on the desk
What do you need to do when you get breakfast?
Put a checkmark on the green sheet
Where do North Walkers line up at dismissal?
At the door, straight down the middle of the hallway
What is Mrs Pettet's dog's name?
What are the 4 S's?
What is the expected behavior after an attention getter?
Everything out of hands
Eyes on teacher
Voices off
Where can you find the Morning Check In?
Google Classroom
When can we get out cell phones at dismissal?
When we are off school campus
What is Colton's birthday?
June 16
Why aren't we noisy in the hallway?
We don't want to be responsible for disrupting the learning of other students.
When do students get to ring the bell on the yellow cart?
When they find a Power Word in their reading or use it in their writing
What information can be found on the Morning Message?
Assignments Due
Letter Day
Morning To Do List
Daily Agenda
What must we do in order to go pack up backpacks?
Fill out planner
Clean everything off floor
Clear off Desk
Get permission from teacher