Where do you turn in completed assignments?
ELA bin or Math bin
How should you get the teacher's attention during a lesson?
Raise your hand!
What should you do if your iPad isn’t charged at the start of class?
Plug it in and work on other things while it charges.
What should you do if you forgot a pencil?
What should you do if you finish an assignment early?
Work on missing work, complete iReady lessons, or read.
If you were absent, where can you find the work you missed?
The extra bin
What is the last consequence for breaking a classroom expectation?
A Think Sheet!
What is our cell phone policy?
Cell phones can come to school, but they must stay off and in our bags.
What should you do if you need to sharpen your pencil?
Try to sharpen pencils before or after instruction.
What should you do at the start of class?
Make sure you have your planner and homework folder.
What should you do if you don't understand a question?
1. Use CUBES or draw it out if it's a math question.
2. Ask a neighbor if it's during work time.
3. Ask Mrs. Steele.
What can you purchase with $25 in our store?
Prize box, pillow/cushion, stuffy at school.
What should you do if you don’t remember a password?
Try out the passwords you do remember, ask a neighbor for the format, or ask Mrs. Steele.
What should you do if you find a random pencil?
Take it to the wild pencil jar.
What is the procedure for exiting the classroom?
Line up in number order and quietly walk to our destination.
How do you know when an assignment is due?
You've read the instructions and checked the resource for the due date.
What happens if you are on your phone without permission?
Mrs. Steele will have to take your phone and your grown up can get it at the end of the day.
What should you do when done with your iPad?
Return it to the cart and make sure it’s plugged in.
If you notice someone left something behind, what should you do?
Leave it at their desk, take it to them, or take it to the lost and found.
What will Mrs. Steele do or say when she need to get students’ attention?
“Catch a bubble”, “Show me eyeballs”, or I’ll wait quietly.
What’s the procedure for turning in late work?
Let Mrs. Steele know you have it and turn it in to the correct bin.
How should you respond if you hear the fire alarm?
Listen for instructions, but line up and get ready to leave the classroom with the class.
Which website should you check to find our online classwork/assignments?
Google Classroom or Clever.
What 2 items do you need to bring to class everyday?
Your homework folder and planner.
What should you do if you think you left something in class?
If there’s time, come back for it! If not, leave it for the next day or send Mrs. Steele a message.