This person is a distant cousin of Brad Matejowsky
Nancy Johnson
This person has owned a number of airplanes
Steve Dodge
This person has done some community theater (theatre if you're fancy)
Kim Pigg
"Work to live"
Kelsey Peduzzi
This person sells apparel and accessories online, and is designing a Tarot deck they plan to sell.
Bryan Gosselin
This person was born in Wellingborough, England, moved to the US in 1979, and only became a US citizen in 2016.
Mandy Bunger
This person has a new Ford Bronco on order.
Adel Cagle
This person has volunteered at Goodwill sorting, cleaning, and repairing donated items
William Serrano
"It doesn't matter where you come from. What matters is what you make of it."
Anna Pulido
This person owns a large-scale cattle ranch, that's one of the four oldest ranches in Texas
Jana Johnson
This person was born in Venezuela, and earned a Bachelor's and Master's in Psychology there.
Karla Santamaria
This person owns a 1928 Buick Roadster
Jan Blackwell
This person volunteers mentoring engaged couples about marriage.
Anna Pulido
"If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?"
Brad Matejowsky
This person does estate and business planning for friends and family, and volunteers with Wills for Heroes.
Silvia Garcia
This person has five siblings, including two brothers who are Catholic priests.
Frederick Kempf
This person owns a bunch of antique cars, all restored to original, including a 1929 Ford Model A
Jana Johnson
This person is a "recovering" comic book collector, and now enjoys movies based on comics.
Wayne Robinson
"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference"
Ronny Lackey
This person takes the day off every year on their birthday, and drives around town getting getting free breakfast, lunch, dinner, & desserts at places that offer them.
Deana McHorse
Don't get a rope just yet, but this person was born in New York City.
Marcy Berbrick
This person has a 1971 MG MGB that is "super fun to drive"
Twyla Hardin
This person has owned over 15 motorcycles, and has seen 27 states and 3 countries on a bike.
Kevin Jenkins
"One day at a time"
Patti Dathe
This person does leather and woodworking, and sells custom furniture.
Tommy Jones