Checking an injured Person
Cardiac Chain of Survival
Cardiac Emergencies

The meaning of the acronym SAM and what this is used for

What are "signs and symptoms," "allergies," and "medications." These are the question topics to ask when interviewing an injured person in need of first aid.

The number of compressions and rescue breaths in each set of CPR

What is 30 and 2


Why Prevention is the first step in the pediatric chain of survival

What is because cardiac arrest in children is often preventable


When blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked

What is a heart attack


Panicked facial expression, hands on the throat, a squeaking noise coming from the person

What are symptoms of choking


The way to check if an an adult is unresponsive

What is shouting and tapping the person


The position of the hands in normal adult CPR

What is the heel of one hand on the breastbone of the person with the other hand on top, interlacing the fingers


An AED does this

What is emitting a shock that disrupts the heart's electrical activity long enough for the heart to develop a normal rhythm.


The symtoms of a heart attack

What is a persistent pain or pressure in the chest area that lasts longer than 3 to 5 minutes.


This is done when a choking person becomes unresponsive.

What is CPR.


The recovery position

What is laying the person on their side with their knees bent and their outstretched arm as support for the head


The rate and depth of normal adult CPR

What is 120 compressions/minute and at least 2 inches


CPR does this

What is keeping oxygenated blood moving to the brain until advanced medical care arrives


Cardiac Arrest

What is when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.


Do this when you are alone and choking

What is to try to give yourself abdominal thrusts or to bend over and press your abdomen against a firm object.


The assumption made when a person is totally unresponsive and the first action done

What is assuming the person is suffering from cardiac arrest and immediately calling 911. 


The thing to do before giving the two rescue breaths

What is tilting the head and raising the chin


The Adult Cardiac Chain of Survival

What is calling 911, early CPR, early AED use, advanced life support, and post cardiac care



What is a blood thinner that can be effective in combatting the onset of a heart attack.


Position of hands in adult abdominal thrusts

What is a fist against the person's navel with the other hand on top of the fist


The way to check a responsive adult versus a responsive child

Adult: head to toe, Child: toe to head


The best method for removing an object stuck in the person's airway during CPR

What is doing a pinky finger swipe


The Pediatric Cardiac Chain of Survival

What is injury prevention and safety, early CPR, calling 911, pediatric advanced life support, and post pediatric care.


The number of minutes after cardiac arrest where brain damage can become irreversible

What is 8-10 minutes


The number of back blows necessary for an adult or child

What is 5