Design Levels/
DNS records
Marketing Stuff
Eyecare Jargon
Project Process

The main feature on the homepage 

What is the hero? 


We put our IP address on this record to tell the domain where to point the website.

What is an A record? 


This is one of the biggest selling points for our marketing services so the client can have new content added to their website. Hint: on premier, they will get this once a quarter. On SEO, they will get one once a month.

What is a blog post?


An eye care professional who examines, diagnoses, and treats disorders and diseases of the eye. 

What is an optometrist?

This is sent to the client after the onboarding call.

What is the to do list?


This is where most of the contact information is displayed so that it follows you throughout the site. It also usually has a logo.  

What is a footer?


This record tells the DNS where to point the email server. Hint: it is important to carry over this record so emails continue to work after launch.

What is an MX record? 


Starting at this marketing package, marketing will join for the first 15 minutes of the call.

What is the SEO package? 


A medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine who can diagnose and treat a wide range of eye conditions. They can have many specialties, including general ophthalmology, pediatrics, oculoplastics, and can provide expertise when further evaluation, treatment, or surgical intervention is required.

What is an opthalmologist?

For amplify and above, this needs to be approved before we proceed with build.

What is the homepage mock up? 


This is our lowest level of design. Hint: it is also the name for our new and improved platform that has two version (est. 2022) 

What is SNAP? 


These records tell the DNS where to be pointed. Hint: a domain can be in godaddy, but this record can be pointing elsewhere so the DNS isnt hosted in godaddy. 

What is a nameserver?


This is the process of improving a website's content and technical configuration so that it's easier for search engines to find and rank it. 

What is SEO? 


A condition that occurs when the eyes either don’t produce enough tears to lubricate the eyes or don’t produce high quality tears. Can use eye drops, supplements, IPL (intense pulsed light), heat therapy, and supplements to treat it. This is a high ticket service to offer. 

What is dry eye?


For snap websites, after the discovery call we assign any HP edits back to either nathan or noorain. Once the HP is looking like what was discussed with the client, we assign the build to who? 

Who is Caroline?


This is our mid level design, also known as a "semi custom design." This allows for movement on the website, more custom sections, and requires for us to send a mock up for approval before build.

What is Amplify?

This is a setting that specifies how long a DNS record should be cached, essentially acting like an expiration date for cached DNS information.

What is Time to Live (TTL)? 


This is an internal page with higher level design and is targeted toward a specific campaign or topic. Clients unlock this feature at the premier level. 

What is a landing page? 


A refractive error, or a vision condition that affects the ability to see distant images or objects clearly. This is also referred to as nearsightedness or short sightedness. Can use special contacts, drops, ortho - k , etc to help treat it. It is often marketed towards parents with young children and teens.

What is myopia?


After the build is complete, either Cris, Mal or I will assign out this task. What is the task? 

Bonus points for knowing who typically does this for what design level. 

What is QA? 

Typically, SNAP QAs go to Noel and Amplify/Envision go back to dev. This will depend on if we are trying to expedite the build, in this case we usually assign to Noel.


This is our highest level design. All enterprise packages use this design by default.

What is Envision?


A technique that stores data in a temporary location so it can be accessed more quickly. It's a common way to improve the performance of software applications.

What is caching?


This is included in packages premier and above. Not only does it summarize the number of calls your website generates for a given time period, it also provides easy to read dashboard reporting with basic caller ID information and the audio files from the calls so you can listen back to them for trends. This is included in your package for no additional fee and we strongly recommend our clients take advantage of this tool.

What is call tracking?


A custom treatment program created to improve and strengthen visual skills, and re-train the patient’s visual system to interpret visual input with increased accuracy and ease. Typically if this service is offered, they are a specialty clinic for that service exclusively. This service often isnt covered by insurance. 

What is vision therapy? 
We send this after the build and QA is complete so the client can review the website and let us know if there are any edits prior to launch. 
What is a staging link?