What is the cheapest accessory sold in the shop?
Lollipop 250 diamonds
Hot pink and white
Who created Royale High?
NightBarbie aka callmehbob
How do you earn candies in Halloween 2021?
Apple bobbing, trick or treating, or ghost hunting.
No. They only serve breakfast, lunch, snacks, and drinks.
The tennis visor, peg leg, sleeves of roses, mech goggles, unicorn horn, sleeping mask, Sunday best hat, color changing headphones, flip hat, and etc can be earned from what and where?
Town Wheel in Earth
What is the first set to be added in game?
Miss Lady Rose set.
How many hours does the fountain cooldown take?
2 Hours.
During Christmas Town, how would you catch Santa’s attention so he can drop down presents?
Fill up the Christmas tree with ornaments.
In what class do you race to ring the bell?
P.E. Class
Day of the Dead accessories are sold during what month?
The Midnight’s Strike Popstar set was added into the game during what holiday?
New Years!
What level do you have to be to be able to go to trading?
Level 75
What do you win from helping the man in the lighthouse in Diamond Beach?
Heart of the Ocean Necklace
T or F? Not only can you paint your locker, you can also decorate it with decorations.
True. You can decorate the inner door and the inside of the locker.
How much are the Angeloid Clips sold in the shop?
8,000 diamonds
What two sets are sold during the valentines season?
Darling Valentina and Mon Cheri
Did Royale High ever have a 4th of July Update?
Yes. During 2019 and 2020, the map received decorations.
In what 2 holidays did you go homestore scavenger hunting to earn a prize?
Halloween and Easter
T or F? The beds in both Royale high school dorm room can increase your energy.
False. They cannot increase your energy level.
Name 5 accessories that are sold from the Valentine’s Day shop. (Set items not included)
Translucent Heart Glasses, Sailor Hat, Magical Hair Ribbon, Giant Teddy Bear, Teddyzilla, Butterfly Veil, Rose Corsage, Love Me Forever Bag, Aphrodite's Bag, My Teddy Bear, Archery Kit, Parasol, Heart Earrings aanddd Rose Boutineer.
Shadow Empress set is created by who?
What was the original name for Royale High?
Fairies and Mermaids Winx High School
For Mardi Gras 2020, what realm did you go to, to find chests that contained accessories?
Moonlight Square
What class does Classic Royale High have that New Royale High Doesn’t?
Music Class