Document completed before the client arrives.
Home Safety Checklist
Each Adult gets the same amount the day of arrival
Amount of money allocated per person.
Is a case note needed when a client moves into their home?
Example: “The clients were moved into thier new home today and provided with all required supplies upon arrival. Refer to Home Supply List in the case file for additional information.”
“The clients were moved into their new home today and provided with the majority of required items. The family has an application into furniture bank and will be receiving the rest of their furniture on 9/1/2023. Refer to Home Supply List in the case file for additional information.”
When would you complete a credit card voucher in WRS?
If you purchased something for the client with your own money or Supervisors Credit Card, and plan to certify it, but need it to show up on the cash report. A common example is the welcome meal.
Next Day Home Visit Form
This form is done on the next stay home visit and reviews completion of home and personal safety orientation.
The Intake must be completed by this day.
Within 5 calendar days of arrival.
Amount of flex money allocated per client
If its not written down...
It didn't happen
Ultimately who's responsibility is it to make sure all the core serivices are completed on time?
The case manager :). While you are able to utilize other programs at Samaritas, it is ultimately the case managers responsivity to make sure those deadlines are met.
•Assessment of barriers/needs
•Client goals
•Action Steps
•Client signature
Are all included in what Document?
Resettlement Service Plan for Employable and/or Non-Employables.
Within 7 days these must be completed.
1. Enroll in Cash assistance
2. Enroll in Medicaid
3. Apply for food stamps
Each adult in the case must sign this upon receipt of petty cash on the day of arrival.
Petty cash Reciept. Each adult should receive the exact same amount of petty cash upon arrival and sign separately.
Do you need to document the provision of appropriate clothing?
Yes. If seasonal appropriate clothing is not needed, please document that. If it is needed, please document that the client was taken purchase clothing.
Who is required to apply for selective service?
Men ages 18-25.
Yes to both!
Within 30 calendar days these must be completed.
1. Selective Service (if applicable)
2. ESL Enrollment
3. School Enrollment
4. Employment Services
5. Health Screening complete
6. Resettlement Plan complete
What date is listed on the financial tracker in IRIS
The date money is posted on the debit card.
What items should be documented in a case note before the client arrives.
1. Assurance
2. Travel Notification Email
3. Call to US tie if applicable about the family's travel date
4. Visit to US tie if applicable for home safety check list
When should you read the bio data information on an newly assigned case?
You should read the information when the case is assigned. You will want to look for any medical concerns listed in order to prepare for their arrival if needed.
If a client refuses a service that is a required core service, what should be put in the case file?
1. a case note stating the client's refusal
2. Waiver for refusal phone
How many cultural orientation topics are there?
1.Role of Resettlement Agency
4.Public Assistance
5.US Laws
6.Your New Community
9.Budgeting&Personal Finance
What Financial documents must the client sign?
1. Cash log
2. Copies of Checks
3 Pictures of debit cards
When including in the case notes information about the health screening what should be included?
1. Date clients were referred for health screening.
2. Confirmation that health screening was completed including date of health screening, name of clinic/health service provider, and follow-up needed.
If an individual calls you and asks you to talk about a client that is not their US tie, what should you do?
1. You can thank the individual for reaching out and sharing their concerns.
2. Do not share any information about the client.
3. If the client wants any individual to be able to speak with you about their case you will need to have them sign a Consent for release of information.