Coping Skills
Stages of Change
Stages of relapse
Relapse warning signs

Feelings ,experiences,people, places and things that people associate with alcohol or drug use.

What is Triggers


How can listening to music  be used as a coping skill?

What is....  Listening to music can be relaxing and help take your mind off stressors as well as helping to  change your mood and expressing yourself.


I want to change, I want to start going to school and get good grades,I just dont know how.What stage of change is this.

What is...Preperation


In this stage of relapse

You may not be thinking of using but emotions and behaviors are setting you up for relapse down the road such as ,poor self care and  bottling up emotions denial is also a big part of this stage. 

What is ...... Emotional relapse 


A person begins to feel sorry for him or herself.

What is.... Self -pity 


Triggers related to sound, taste ,and touch 

What is Sensory triggers


How can creating art be used as a coping skill?

What is...Art can be used in a way to express your emotions/feelings.


This atage of change a person may be aware of the cost of addiction, However they do not see them as significant as the benefits .

What is.... Pre Contemplation


In this stage there is a war going on inside a persons mind, part of them wants to use part of them doesn't you start minimizing past consequences, seeing old friends and lying to yourself and others .You may begin looking for opportunities to relapse.    

What is....... Mental relapse


A person begins to withdraw and pull away from others.

What is......Isolation


Triggers related to people ,places, and things.

What is external triggers


How can going for a walk with a friend be used as a coping skill?

What is...Not only is walking good  exercise but doing this with a friend provides an opportunity to talk about stressors or improve your overall mood. 


people in this stage have mastered the ability to sustain new behavioral change with minimal effort  and have done so for 6 months or more.

What is.... Maintenance 


In this stage there is full use of substances or alcohol in the body. 

What is...... Physical relapse 


A seemingly rational reason for behaviors that moves a person in recovery closer to a slip.

What is ....justification 


Triggers related to feelings people have before or during substance use.

What is..... internal  triggers


How can exercise be used as a coping skill?

What is...... Excercise increases your energy and mood,focus and self esteem it also releases endorphins to your brain decreasing stress and improving your mood.


People in this stage engage in self directed behavioral change effortswhile gaining new insightsand developing new skills, although these changes are self directed outside help may be sought .This may include rehab or therapy. 

What is ... Action 


This is a fancy name we give something we all experience after we give into an urge.

What is...... Abstinence Violation effect or AVI  

We allow ourselves a "slip" and then become guilty or demean ourselves with thoughts like " What's the use of trying. I already gave in "  creating a cycle of use.


Thinking "I got this" or "I can do this on my own"

What is...... overconfidence


Imagining a light a switch you can switch on or off to change your thoughts or Something you can do to distract from your thoughts.

What is a thought stopper


What does this stand for......  HALT and why is it important?

What is ....Hungry Angry Lonely and Tired 

These are considered high risk situations where you may not think as clearly and put you in danger of relapse .


People in this stage have become aware of a problem with their behavior,however they are ambivalent about whether or not it is worth while to change.

What is ....Contemplation


Choices that seem un important at the time but may lead you back to drinking or drug use.

What is .....Seemingly Irrelevant Decisions or SIDs

 These ordinary decisions are made every day and appear to have nothing to do with drinking or drug use. Although they do not involve making a direct decision about whether to drink or use drugs, they may move you closer and closer towards a situation where you will be confronted with that choice.


Lack of interest in hobbies , and to much idle time .

What is ....boredom