Vintage Video Games
Lost In Translation
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Agog In A Bog
The first video game in which a moustachioed "Mario", a.k.a. "Jumpman" appeared, this game was featured in a documentary about a historic, contentious rivalry in video gaming culture, called King Of Kong.
What is Donkey Kong?
This song by Percy Sledge became the title of a book of mondegreens because of the frequently misheard lyric that many believed to be "When a man loves a walnut."
What is "When A Man Loves A Woman"?
This letter, when added to the end of the first four letters in an Hyper Text Transfer Protocol address prompts a secure connection to be created.
What is the letter S?
This country is home to most of Lake Memphremagog, while the southern port and official US border crossing is in Newport, Vermont.
What is Canada?
This is a video game about which a song was written, the song being a parody that borrowed the tune of a song originally by Ted Nugent. Spawned from the content of the game's 3rd intermission, a sequel to this game also featured the hungry protagonist's wife.
What is Pac Man?
This religious leader's visit was misrepresented on a commemorative Spanish language t-shirt when a Miami marketing company printed the phrase “la papa” instead of “el Papa”, so, their shirts read: “I saw the potato.”
Who is The Pope?
Much to the chagrin of its parent company, this search engine name was the first to spawn its own, eponymous neologistic verb, added, uncapitalized, to the Oxford English Dictionary on June 15, 2006.
What is Google?
This US state is home to the Rosetta Stone Concord Office, and Lake Webster, also known by a name derived from its Nipmuc (Algonquin) name, Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg, which has been said to mean "You fish on your side of the lake, we'll fish on our side of the lake, and nobody fishes in the middle."
What is Massachusetts?
Originally designed and built as a training exercise, by an electrical engineer with a computer science background, but no experience with video games, this 2-dimensional table tennis simulator was the very first video game developed by the Atari corporation. It was first released in 1972.
What is PONG?
This classic Beatles song was misheard by yours truly when I was 5 years old, and for years I sang the incorrect chorus of "Take the back right turn."
What is "Paperback Writer"?
In the parlance (and hopefully the affected accent) of many denizens of the Internet, this is the expansion of the following acronymic expression: OMGROTFLTMI!
What is Oh My God, Rolling On The Floor Laughing, Too Much Information!
This country that is part of the United Kingdom, is known for Tom Jones, its flag that features a red dragon, as well a town with the longest name in the UK, which means "Church of St. Mary in the hollow of White Hazel near the rapid whirlpool and the church of St. Tysilio of the red cave", Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch.
What is Wales?
While this company started in 1889, selling playing cards, they eventually became a video game company whose name can be roughly translated from Japanese to English as "leave luck to heaven". They also own the Seattle Mariners baseball team, and boy, they sure have released a lot of handheld games.
What is Nintendo?
In the film Lost In Translation, Bill Murray plays a character named Bob Harris whom has travelled to this country to act in a commercial for a Suntory whisky, Hibiki's 17 year expression.
What is Japan?
Since becoming knighted by Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, this actual inventor of the World Wide Web once tweeted "This is for everyone" which instantly was spelled out in LCD lights attached to the chairs of the 80,000 people in the audience at the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony. He has also gone on to be one of the driving forces behind Net Neutrality.
Who is (Sir) Tim(othy John) Berners-Lee?
This fictional planet, covered in swampy bogs, bayous and petrified forests, was home to a greenish octocentenarian, and, as Weird Al Yancovic once sang "where it bubbles all the time like a giant carbonated soda."
What is Dagobah?
This gaming console and platform began in 1988, as a joint project between Nintendo and Sony. It was the brainchild of Ken Kutaragi, featuring a proprietary CD-ROM technology for playing 3D games.
What is PlayStation?
The actual Rosetta Stone is inscribed with a decree in 3 languages: Egyptian hieroglyphs, ancient Egyptian Demotic and also in this ancient language.
What is Greek?
This is the shortest domain name in the world, the owner chose this domain so that Chinese users would be able to find it.
What is
This accumulation of partially decayed vegetation and/or organic matter is harvested from bogs in Scotland, and burned to impart the smoky flavor to grains used in the production of Ardbeg, Bruichladdich, Caol Ila, Laphroaig, and Oban products.
What is peat?