What does KHAFAAOOTY stand for?
Keep hands and feet and all other objects to yourself.
What type of headbands are female students allowed to wear?
Female students can wear non winter headbands that do not cover the entire head.
What does CPI stand for?
Crisis Prevention Institute.
What is the purpose of a think sheet?
It is a processing tool to aid students in accountability.
How can a student loose level? ( Provide at least 7 reasons)
Computer violation, attendance, sleep plan, grades, OSS, ISS, lockdowns, failure to transition, buddy room, dress code violation, bus write-up, and classroom evacuations
Be Respectful, Safe, and Accountable
What if a student does not comply to dress code request?
The student will lose their privilege of transitioning to breakfast and lunch/leaving the building
When is CPI used?
CPI is used when a student becomes a physical threat to the safety of themselves or others (eminent danger).
Any time a student leaves the classroom for a buddy spot or goes to the intervention room.
What is the purpose of Restorative Justice?
The purpose of Restorative Justice is assisting students with resolving conflict and coming up with a solution instead of punishment.
What are the student expectations for the hallway?
Walk quietly, stay together in a line, be in dress code, remain with an adult at all times
What is not allowed on a males head?
Males can not wear head bands, bandannas or rubber bands.
When does the parent/guardian need to be notified?
Who needs to notify the parent/guardian?
Parent/guardian should be notified in writing or by phone by the end of the day physical support was used. /Teacher or social worker
When is a time you do not need to fill out an ODR?
If student is remaining in the classroom, proactive buddy room spot or five out.
What are some of the wraparound services at RSA?
Social Emotional Learning, Restorative Justice, Mr. Butler, Rediscover, Tier Intervention, BIST, and Trauma Informed Care
What are classroom expectations for students?
Be on task, get help from adult when needed, be alert and ready, and complete assignments
Can a student stay in the classroom if not in dress code?
Student can remain in the classroom if the attire doesn't interfere with the school activity or create a disruption, health, or safety issue.
What is the philosophy behind CPI?
Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security for all
When does a proactive buddy spot or five out turn into a buddy spot?
When students are refusing to return back to class.
What are our 4 RSA Initiatives?
School Culture, Cultural Competency, Trauma Informed Care, and Curriculum Implementation
What are expectations for students while in the cafeteria?
Stay in assigned seat, talk only at your table, ask adults to trade food, and no food leaves the cafeteria
What types of shirts are not allowed?
If shirts makes references to inappropriate sayings, words, gestures, weapons, blood, guts, and gore, violence, gang, concert or music groups, tobacco, alcohol or drugs.
What should be considered the priority with physically supporting a student?
What is the difference between punishment and consequence?
Punishment- the focus is to make a student suffer for their mistake.
Consequence- the focus is on teaching and improvement for the future.
How long has RSA been in existence? What is the mission statement?
22 yrs./Every Student, Every Day, Soaring to New Heights