Week 1: Introduction to Organization Behaviour
Week 2: Personality and Values
Week 3: Motivation
Week 4: Leadership and Bias
Anything from Week 1 - 4

Which field of behavioral science is devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations

Organizational Behaviour


Of the big 5 personality model, which is the only predictor of job performance?



What are the three links of expectancy theory?

Effort to performance, performance to reward, rewards to personal goals.


What are the four leadership styles?

Autocratic/Directive, Democratic/Participative, Laissez-Faire, and Transformational


Week 4:

What is the definition of stereotypes?

Tendency to generalize about people in a social category and ignore variations among them


Which scientific tool involves collecting data through structured conversations with participants to gather in-depth insights?



What are the criteria for a meaningful and satisfying life?

a fit between a person’s work role and their own beliefs, values and behavior


What is Hedonic Adaption?

Tendency for humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of
happiness despite major positive or negative* events or life changes
due to the psychological immune system


What is the best leadership style

There is no best leadership style (None is also accepted


Week 2:

What is a key challenge of a fixed mindset?

People avoid situations that they don’t think they will perform well in


In which method do people hold firmly to some belief because it “just stands to reason”—it seems obvious and self-evident.

The method of intuition


List one pro and con of the MBTI

Any answer from each is accepted 

Pros: Widely used, easily accessible, increase self-awareness, increase understanding of other people

Cons: Armchair psychology, little evidence behind predictive ability, Forces bimodality (either / or), Creates false opposites 


What is one of the possible problems with incentives?

Any of the following accepted: 

  1. May Undermine Complex thinking 

  1. Unanticipated consequences 

  1. Hedonic Adaption  


What are the three approaches to understanding leadership?

Structural approach, Trait approach, Behavioral and situational approaches


Week 3:

Name the five parts of the Job Characteristic Model

Variety, Identity, Significance, Autonomy, Feedback


Which method calculates a weighted average of correlations found across studies, giving more weight to studies with larger sample sizes?



What is the difference between a fixed and growth mindset?

Fixed mindset believes a person’s effort is unlikely to yield personal change, while a growth mindset is the opposite


What is the strongest predictor of meaningfulness in jobs?

The belief that the job had a positive impact on others


What does successful leadership depend on?

(either of the two are accepted):  

  1. ability and confidence of followers 

  1. Features of the task and situation 


Week 2:

According to the value-precept theory, job satisfaction depends on what?

whether you perceive that your job supplies things that you value


What term describes a resource that is difficult to imitate and thus more valuable to an organization?



What acronym is used for the big 5 personality model? Include what each letter stands for in answer

O: Openness to experience, C: Conscientiousness, E: Extraversion, A: Agreeableness, N: Neuroticism


What is the Input/Outcome Ratio?

Relationship between what the employee contributes to the job (input) and what an employee gets from a job (outcome)


What is the motherhood penalty?

The fact that mothers suffer severe wage and hiring disadvantages in the workplace 


Week 1:

What are the scientific tools of an O.B. researcher?

Observation, Interviews, Surveys, Experiments, Meta-analyses