Which way does a row go?
What is left to right.
What happened to Rosa Parks?
What is arrested.
What is the array for the repeated addition sentence
2 + 2 + 2 + 2
What is 2 rows of 4 or 4 rows of 2.
Who were the candidates?
Who are Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
If you had 10 pieces of candy and I broke it into 2 groups. How many would be in each group.
What is 2 groups.
Which way does a column go?
What is up and down.
Why was Rosa Parks arrested?
What is because she wouldn't give her seat up to a white man.
What is the array for the repeated addition sentence
7 + 7 + 7.
What is 3 rows of 7 or 7 rows of 3.
Who voted for Joe Biden and Donald Trump?
Who are the citizens.
If I had 24 pieces of candy and I want to share them with my classmates I would have to make 4 equal groups of .........
What is 6.
What is another way to say addition or subtraction sentence?
What is equation.
Why did the citizens in Montgomery boycott the buses?
What is because Rosa Parks was found guilty of breaking the law.
What is the array for the repeated addition sentence
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4
What is 4 rows of 5 or 5 rows of 4.
Who got the most ballots in the election?
Who is Joe Biden.
I want to make 4 equal groups of 5. How many pieces of candy do I have in all.
What is 20.
What makes up an array?
What is columns and rows.
How did the citizens in Montgomery peaceful protest?
What is they boycotted the city buses and walked to work.
What is the array for the repeated addition sentence
5 + 5 + 5 + 5
What is 4 rows of 5 or 5 rows of 4.
When was Election Day?
Election Day was Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
If I have 6 groups of 3 pieces of candy, how many pieces do I have in all.
What is 18.
What is a fraction?
A fraction is a part of a whole number.
How long did the boycott of the city buses last?
What is 318 days.
What is the array for the repeated addition sentence
9+ 9
What is 9 rows of 2 or 2 rows of 9.
Who is the President-Elect?
Who is Joe Biden.
I had 50 pieces of candy and want to make 5 equal groups. How many pieces of candy would be in each group.
What is 10.