Study Strategies
Task Prioritization
College Prep & Extracurriculars

How do we create realistic and measurable goals?

a. We make S.M.A.R.T. goals.
b. We set goals that are easy and require little effort.
c. We aim for goals without a specific deadline.
d. We create goals that are vague and flexible to change.

We make S.M.A.R.T. goals.


Why is your GPA the best indicator of success in college?

a. If you earn a 3 or higher on your GPA you will be able to earn college credit. 

b. Having a high GPA indicates that you are smart. 

c. GPA is the measure of what you did over the course of your high school classes that also demonstrate the grit and effort you put into your rigorous AP courses 

d. If you score a 36 on your GPA, you are guaranteed college acceptance.

GPA reflects your performance over time and shows effort, discipline, and resilience in rigorous coursework.


How can I limit distractions in my study space?

Put your phone on silent and hide it in a drawer, or use apps that block social media!

(other answers considered if they apply)


What’s an example of effective prioritization?

Using a planner to organize tasks and reviewing due dates weekly to focus on important assignments first.


Why are extracurricular activities important to colleges?

They show motivation, time management, and passion, and demonstrate your commitment to an organization or cause.


Is the following a SMART goal? Yes/No

By the end of March, I will practice once a week for 30 minutes to understand the structures of a plant and animal cell for a 90% on the EOC exam.


Which of the following describes the importance of the ACT score?

a. Certain ACT scores can qualify you for additional scholarships. 

b. More selective colleges and universities generally look for a higher ACT score. 

c. A higher ACT score makes you a more competitive applicant. 

d. All of the above

All of the above (can qualify for scholarships, makes you more competitive, looked at by selective universities).


What is delayed gratification, and how does it help with studying?

a. Being on your best behavior all the time. 

b. Taking the time to receive the best reward. 

c. Missing out on a reward because you waited too long to act. 

d. When a goal takes too long to achieve, you have to change the goal.

Delayed gratification is when you put off a short-term reward for a long-term goal. It helps because you focus on studying now for better results later.


Which of the following is NOT an example of prioritization?

a. Daniel begins working on his project the night before it is due. 

b. Daniel makes sure to finish his homework before watching TV. 

c. Daniel uses his planner daily to organize pending tasks according to importance. 

d. Every week, Daniel reviews upcoming due dates to see which assignments he should finish first.

Daniel begins working on his project the night before it’s due.


How can AP classes help prepare you for college?

They provide college-level rigor, and a high score can earn you college credit.


What does the acronym "SMART" stand for in goal setting?

a. I want to be awarded Student of the Year. 

b. I want to pass my AP Human Geography exam at the end of the year. 

c. By the end of Semester 1, I want to pass my class with a 70%. 

d. By the end of March, I will be able to name and understand the different structures that make up an animal plant cell by practicing after school once a week for 30 minutes so that I can earn a 90% on the EOC exam.

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.


What is a “safety school” for Michael, who has a 3.31 GPA and a 23 ACT score?

Texas A&M University Corpus Christi.


What are two benefits of taking structured notes?

a. Structured notes can assist you in turning your notes into a study tool. 

b. Using structured notes slows you down when taking notes in class. 

c. Taking structured notes can help you stay focused in class. 

d. Both a & c

Helps turn notes into a study tool and keeps you focused in class.


How can prioritizing tasks help you achieve your academic goals?

It helps you focus on important assignments and ensures you meet deadlines without last-minute stress.


What are some campus activities you might experience on a college tour?

Dining in a hall, attending a virtual class, and hearing from current students or alumni.


Why is it important to set SMART goals in high school?

SMART goals help you break down big tasks into smaller, actionable steps, and make it easier to track your progress.


$400 Question:
How does a 4.2 GPA on a 5.0 scale compare to a 4.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale?

A 4.2 GPA on a 5.0 scale is lower in comparison to a 4.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale, as the 5.0 scale allows for extra points from honors, AP, and dual-credit courses, while a 4.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale would represent nearly perfect grades.


What is an example of effective studying?

Reviewing small amounts of material frequently so that it sticks in your mind.


When you have multiple assignments, how can you decide which tasks to do first? (hint: 7 Tips for How to Prioritize Task article)

Organization Ideas and Tips For Students Of All Ages

  1. Create checklists
  2. Organize time and assignments
  3. Designate a study space and time
  4. Label, separate, and identify
  5. Clean out clutter
  6. Bring the right materials
  7. Prepare for the next day together

What are the key concepts and deadlines that a syllabus covers, and how can a study guide break down and review these points in detail to aid in exam preparation?

A syllabus outlines important course information and deadlines, while a study guide helps you focus on key topics for exams. Use both to track assignments and reinforce learning before tests.


share a smart goal with the class out loud or write on the board.

teacher is the judge.


How does a high ACT score impact scholarship eligibility?

A higher ACT score can qualify students for merit-based scholarships, which don’t consider financial need. These scholarships often reward academic performance with financial aid and can increase the amount awarded.


What are the two advantages and disadvantages of digital vs. handwritten notes?

Advantages of digital notes: easy to organize and searchable. Disadvantages: more distractions on devices, less retention compared to handwriting.


xplain the Eisenhower Matrix for task prioritization.

The Eisenhower Matrix is a tool that helps you organize and prioritize tasks by urgency and importance. 


What are the three most significant long-term benefits of consistently participating in extracurricular activities throughout high school when applying to highly selective colleges?

The three most significant long-term benefits of consistently participating in extracurricular activities throughout high school are:

  1. Demonstrating leadership and commitment, which shows colleges your ability to take initiative and stay dedicated to causes or activities over time.
  2. Building a unique personal narrative, helping you stand out among other applicants by showcasing passions and interests outside of academics.
  3. Developing key soft skills such as teamwork, time management, and communication, which are valuable for both college life and future careers.