Saturation, Convergence, Consolidation & Ownership
Privacy, Piracy & Deception
Effects & Research Basics
Active Audiences - U&G
Media Technology Spread
Automaticity/ Automatic State
What is The state that occurs when people are not aware of the messages received, are/or multi-tasking, and/or “zoned out” is known as
The percent of all email that is spam
What is 89.1%
Gaining factual informaiton or social information are both examples of what type of media effects
What is Cognitive (individual-level)
Actual media audiences are totally rational in their viewing choices (T/F)
What is False - they're somewhere in between
When a technological innovation is in the "decline" stage it only has one place to go - the garbage. It is about to be replaced (T/F)
What is False
What is the name of the media marketing strategy that focuses on niche audiences?
What is long-tail marketing
The type of piracy best characterized by illegally duplicating, packaging, & selling content
What is counterfeiting
The belief that knowledge is gained from experience & observation is
What is Empiricism
The third person effect is
What is What is The tendency for individuals to think it isn't them, or even you, bu "them" that are negatively influenced by the media
Why does the S curve of diffusion level off as time progresses?
What is Because there are practically no more people left that have not already adopted the innovation.
The competing value based in Capitalistic ideals
What is effciency
Describe Munchausen by Internet
What is When individuals troll or lie in an online environment about a fake mental or physical condition for attention & sympathy
Explain desensitization
What is After continued exposure to the same type of stimuli (e.g. violence, sobfests) the stimuli has less of an effect - it dimishes your reacitons over time
According to U&G ______________ is often more influential than ______________
What is interpersonal communication; media/mass communicaitons
One channel of information is genreally more influential than the other. Which is it and why?
Interpersonal; you're listening to people you respect, know have expertise, or more generally you're surrounded by people who are more like you than the general public (audience for mass com messages abotu new tech)
The industry that both employs the most people AND has the smallest (negative) growth rate
What is newspaper journalism
What is the position of "copy-left?" What is it's connection to JSTOR - an academic article database
Content should be free and widely accessible to the public. Aaron Schwartz, who was advocate of copyleft and generally accessible content online recently commited suicide amidst zealous prosecution
Falling asleep with your shoes on is _____________ with waking up with a headache, but it is not ______________ by it (use words we use)
What is Associated; Caused
What is ritualistic media use? What other type of media use we've discussed does it sound similiar to?
What is Less active and often unintentional - often tied to medium not the content being provided. It is kind of like AUTOMATICITY
Why did adoption of the personal computer take a little while to really take off?
What is Because it was first used primarily for bringing work home. It took off when the Internet/ WWW became available
Explain of the Information Problem
What is There is more info available than ever before - more than we can process, so we go through life in this automatic state of being which allows us to learn & enjoy less, but make it through the day
Facebook owns the images, words, video, and personal info you post #1 - (T/F) Facebook can sell any of this info about you, even if you quit the site #2 (T/F)
What is #1 - True #2 - True
What is an example of a manifest effect?
What is Any effect that we can see - saw a commercial and bought a product; read an article, voted a specific way, watched the news, remembered info about a crime when prompted later on . . .
Give an example of what happens when a gratification is sought, but not obtained
What is You set out learn something, to relax, to find companionship, to escape etc. with some kind of media and it didn't work - you didn't learn, relax, etc.
If a new stock trading app comes out that is better than the previous ones, it is easy to use, it allows you to test it out for free first, and has high observability - why else might a person not adopt it?
What is Compatible with my interests and needs